Code Block

The following Code Block configuration is automatically updated when the system is synced with SAP, and all tables are automatically attached to the company code except for the Internal Order Type table.

Note: If the system is operating in standalone mode, all mandatory tables have to be maintained manually.

Table Description SAP Sync Auto-Attached Standalone

Internal Order Type

Internal orders are used to monitor costs of an organization. These internal orders must be statistical. An internal order type must be selected for each internal order.

If "Track Costs" is activated in the contract, an internal order will be created.

Note that if the application is operating in standalone mode, it can create internal orders that are stored in the application database.




Internal Order





A division of a company that can create its own financial statements for external reporting.





Used for cost collecting within the project.




Business Area

Separate areas of operations or responsibilities within an organization, and can be used for reporting purposes.




Functional Area

Costs are grouped into the functional areas where they were incurred.




To configure Internal Order Types:

  1. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem.
  2. Click on the row for the required system.
  3. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company.
  4. Click on the row for the required company.
  5. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company > Code Block > Internal Order Type.
  6. To attach an existing internal order type to the company code, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
  7. For standalone systems:
    • To add a new internal order type, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
    • To detach an existing internal order type from the company, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
    • To attach an existing internal order type to the company, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
  8. To configure the Internal Orders, select the required Internal Order Type and navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company > Code Block > Internal Order Type > Internal Order.
    • Repeat any required action that was previously listed.

To configure Segments:

  1. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem.
  2. Click on the row for the required system.
  3. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company.
  4. Click on the row for the required company.
  5. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company > Code Block > Segment.
  6. Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
  7. For standalone systems:
    • To add a new segment, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
    • To detach an existing segment from the company, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
    • To attach an existing segment to the company, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.

To configure Network:

  1. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem.
  2. Click on the row for the required system.
  3. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company.
  4. Click on the row for the required company.
  5. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company > Code Block > Network.
  6. Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
  7. For standalone systems:
    • To add a new network, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
    • To detach an existing network from the company, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
    • To attach an existing network to the company, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.

To configure Business Area:

  1. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem.
  2. Click on the row for the required system.
  3. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company.
  4. Click on the row for the required company.
  5. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company > Code Block > Business Area.
  6. Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
  7. For standalone systems:
    • To add a new business area, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
    • To detach an existing business area from the company, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
    • To attach an existing business area to the company, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.

To configure Functional Area:

  1. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem.
  2. Click on the row for the required system.
  3. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company.
  4. Click on the row for the required company.
  5. Navigate to System ConfigsSystem > Company > Code Block > Functional Area.
  6. Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
  7. For standalone systems:
    • To add a new functional area, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
    • To detach an existing functional area from the company, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
    • To attach an existing functional area to the company, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024



Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.