User Management

The User table contains all of the users who have logged in to the application, or that have been uploaded via an Excel file. The User table shows:

  • The application role that has been mapped to the user.
  • The user's login name.
  • The user's display name.
  • The user's email.

Note that the Password field is not used. Passwords are not maintained in the application.

Authorization Profiles define which objects users are allowed to see, based on authorization objects (defined in Authorization Profile Item). When a user first logs in to the application, the functional administrator must assign an appropriate authorization profile to them.

Each authorization profile can include multiple authorization objects, and each authorization object can have multiple values.

  • If there are multiple values for the same authorization object, then the user will see all objects that fall within any of those values.
  • If there are different authorization objects in the same profile, then the user will see only the objects that satisfy all of the authorization objects.

If multiple profiles are assigned to a user, the user will be able to see all objects that match any of the profiles.

Warning: By default, the DEFAULT profile is assigned to every user who logs in to the application for the first time (and do not have a profile mapped). This profile must be configured appropriately to ensure that users do not see objects that they should have access to.

Warning: Modifying an authorization profile may take some time to take effect (the data must be re-indexed).

Note: Authorization profiles do not apply to users who have the Power User, Power Administrator, or Financial Disclosure Reporting role.

To configure the users:

  1. Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
  2. Navigate to Application ConfigsUser Management > Users.
  3. To edit an existing user, click for the required row.
  4. To create a new user, click Menu > Add. Note that the Role field can be left empty. The user's SAP role or Active Directory group role will be mapped to an application role when they log in to the application.
    • Enter or modify the required information.
    • Click Submit.
  5. To delete a user, select the user and click Menu > Delete. Note that if they are still a valid user in Active Directory or SAP, they will still be able to log in to the application, and their user record will be added back to the table automatically.

    Note: Do not delete any users directly from this table because they may already be used in contracts. Refer to About Data Retention for more information on how to properly delete users.

To assign an authorization profile to a user:

  1. Navigate to Application ConfigsUser Management > Users.
  2. Click on the row for the required user.
  3. Navigate to Application ConfigsUser Management > Users > Authorization Profile.
  4. The profiles currently attached to the user are listed in the Authorization Profile tab. To attach another profile, click the Available tab.
  5. Select the required profile, and click Menu > Attach.
  6. Return to the Authorization Profile tab to see the attached profile.

To create or modify an authorization profile:

  1. Navigate to Application ConfigsUser Management > Users.
  2. Click on the row for the required user.
  3. Navigate to Application ConfigsUser Management > Users > Authorization Profile.
  4. To add a new profile, click Menu > Add.
  5. Enter the required information and click Submit.
  6. To edit the definition of a new or existing authorization profile, click on the row for the required profile and navigate to Application ConfigsUser Management > Users > Authorization Profile > Authorization Profile Item.
    1. The authorization objects that are already attached to the selected profile are listed in the Authorization Profile Item tab.
    2. Click the Available tab to add items.
    3. Select an existing item and click Menu > Attach.
    4. If you need a different value for an existing authorization object, you must add a new item. Click Menu > Add. Enter the following information and click Submit:
      • Authorization Item ID: Enter a unique string.
      • Authorization Item Type: Enter "CompanyCode" or "LeaseArea". Note that every authorization profile must have both the Company Code and Lease Area defined.

        Note: To have more authorization item types, contact your implementation partner.

      • Authorization Item Value: Enter a valid value for the entered Type. The field supports using a wildcard (~) to indicate that any value is accepted, or using a wildcard at the end of the value (e.g., 1~ to match any value that starts with 1, or 22~ to match any value that starts with 22).

      Warning: Modifying the AuthorizationItemValue for an existing item will modify the item for ALL profiles that use this item.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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