Scheduled Posting Jobs
The Scheduled Posting Jobs module allows administrators to easily configure the schedule for posting jobs.
Note: If an intercompany transfer has been performed, then any Scheduled Posting Job at contract-level will not pick up payments performed under the new company (because the filters look at contract-level company and cost object data). Users must use Batch Management (available in the front-end of the application) to perform mass payment postings.
Note that although the scheduled time is entered in your local time, all jobs are stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If you are in a country that is affected by Daylight Savings Time, you must be careful with any jobs scheduled around midnight, as it may run on a different day when there is a time shift.
See also Batch and Scheduler Settings.
To create and schedule a posting job:
- Click Application Menu > Scheduled Posting Jobs.
- Click Create New. A Scheduled Posting Job tab opens.
- Enter the Scheduled Job Name and set at what time the job runs.
Note: The Run Job At time impacts the Schedule Plan.
- Click Posting Types and select at least one of the following actions:
- Post Payments
- Post Accruals
- Post Depreciation
- Post Charges
- Click Contract Criteria and select one of the following options in the drop down menu:
- To enter a set of filter criteria for the job, select "Default".
- To enter specific IDs (up to a maximum of 1000 IDs), select either Bulk Master Agreements or Contracts.
- Set the required contract criteria filter items. After setting each field, click . You can select more than one option per field.
- Optionally, click Posting Parameters and:
- Click Use Schedule Period Dates to use the dates from the schedule period as the Posting Date, Translation Date, and Document Date in the posting document. For example, the application will set the Posting Date to the month-end dates for asset depreciation and accrual postings, and to posting payment dates for payment postings.
- Specify which postings should be picked up. The application compares the following fields with the Posting Payment Date for rent payments and Month End Date for accrual and depreciation postings to determine which ones need to be posted. If these fields are not set, the job picks up all available postings in the past until the day the scheduled job runs.
- Enter a date in Post From to only pick up postings from a certain date. If this field is not set, the job picks up all available postings in the past.
- The job picks up postings until the day the scheduled job runs, plus or minus the number of days configured in +/- Days. For example, if the field is set to 2 and the job is scheduled to run on the 15th of the month, then it will pick up postings up to the 17th to post on the 15th.
- If the checkbox Until End of Schedule Run Month is selected, the field +/- Days is disabled and the job picks up all postings until the end of the month of the day the job is scheduled to run. For example, if the job is scheduled to run on the 25th of the month, then the application picks up postings up to the end of the month to post on the 25th.
- Click Schedule Plan and select one of the following plans:
- Month End Dates, and +/- Days. Enter the number of days before or after the end of the month when the job should run. For example, you can configure the Schedule Plan to be 2 days before the end of the month and the Posting Parameters to be 2 days after the scheduled run day. The job will then post all available postings in the month, 2 days early.
- Daily
- Weekly, and which day of the week the job should run.
- Monthly, including:
- If it should run every single month, or every configured number of months
- Which day of the month it should run on. Note that you can select more than one date, and if the day does not exist in a particular month, then that month is skipped.
- Click Create & Schedule. The posting job is created and scheduled and appears in the Scheduled Jobs List.
- If required, click to pause the scheduled job. The Status changes to "Paused" and the job will not run on the upcoming scheduled dates. To resume the scheduled job, click .
To edit an existing job:
- Click Application Menu > Scheduled Posting Jobs, and select the required job.
- Modify the filters and settings as needed. For reference, a dynamic sample of the upcoming dates and times of the next scheduled jobs are displayed in the left panel.
- Click to save the settings or click to reset the settings to the previous saved version.
To stop a currently running job:
- Click Application Menu > Scheduled Posting Jobs.
- In the Scheduled Jobs List, select the chosen job that is currently running.
- Stop at the top of the page. This stops the job from running on the remaining items, however note that the job will continue to run on the items that are currently being processed. Stopping a job only stops the current job, and has no impact on the upcoming scheduled dates.
Note: In order to re-run a stopped job, you must run the entire job again.
To manage scheduled posting jobs:
- To immediately run a job, click at the top of the page.
- To view the run jobs history, click History in the left panel. The previously run job's history is displayed.
- To copy a job, click at the top of the page. A new Scheduled Posting Job tab opens with the same filter settings as the copied job.
- To export the scheduled posting job result to Excel, click . When the download is complete, click the alert in the Notification Center to open the file. If required, use Save As to re-save the file as an Excel file.
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