About Thresholds

The Thresholds tab allows you to define criteria for different tasks and alert notifications. Functional Administrators can modify the criteria for the thresholds, as well as how often the thresholds are verified, and which role is alerted (and how).

By default, the available notification thresholds are:

  • Casualty notification
  • Contracts approaching end date
  • Contracts to be closed
  • Evergreen notification
  • Lease closed - units are not retired (exception report)
  • Lease end - units to be closed
  • Standard terms notifications

By default, the task thresholds are:

  • Close activation groups
  • Close activation groups without generating Ledger Closing documents
  • Close contracts and MLA
  • Depreciation (main)
  • Inactive User Management
  • Interest/accruals activation group
  • Interest/accruals unit
  • Lease end (active contracts)
  • Payable activation group
  • Payable unit level
  • Post charges
  • SAP reversal

Note that if email notifications are enabled, the SMTP server must be configured in the Notification Settings.

Note: Refer to the Task Manager Status to ensure that the queues are connected and running.

To configure alert notification thresholds:

  1. Click Application Menu > Thresholds.
  2. To create a new threshold, click . Enter the new ID and Name and click Submit. The new threshold is added to the left-hand menu.
  3. Select a new or existing threshold in the left-hand menu.
  4. In the Frequency field, select how often the threshold will be run and verified. This field uses the "Threshold" jobs defined in Schedule Jobs. If one of these jobs is run manually (instead of at the scheduled time), then all of the thresholds using that frequency will be run.

    Note: To disable the threshold, select "None".

  5. The Name field defines the name of the threshold that appears in the menu.
  6. Enable Non Tracking Threshold if you want the application to send a notification every time the threshold condition is met. (If this field is disabled, the application tracks whether the notification has already been sent, and will not send it again.)
  7. The Object Type field identifies on which object the threshold applies. The options that can have notification thresholds configured are:
    • Activation Group
    • Contract
    • Term
  8. The Notification field determines the message content for threshold notification you are configuring. The options depend on the selected Object Type.
  9. The field Select Task is not used.
  10. Select Send Email for users to receive email notifications for this threshold.
  11. Select Send Alert to alert users in the application in the Notification Center.
  12. Click to add a Query Filter, which defines the conditions of the threshold:
    1. Select one of the following options for the Type field:
      • SINGLE VALUE: There is one value for the selected field.
      • MULTI VALUE: There is more than one value for the selected field.
      • RANGE: The field is a range (e.g., date or number range).
      • EXISTS: The field exists.
      • PREFIX: The field starts with a value.
      • WILDCARD: The field can have any value.
    2. The values available in the Field drop-down depends on the selected Object Type.
    3. Select the Match field to indicate that the field must match the specified values, or leave it unselected to indicate that the field should not match the specified values.
    4. The field values are defined in the Values or Between fields.
      • If the Field value was set to "Company Code", then the Values field must be set to the database Company Code Object ID (e.g., rfc--1000). Use the Entity Navigator to look up the LT_Company table and companyCode field to get the object IDs.
      • To specify a date, the field expects an Elasticsearch expression, which starts with an anchor date (now or a date string ending with ||), and can be followed by one or more maths expressions (such as +1h to add one hour, -1d to subtract one day, and /d to round down to the nearest day).

        Supported time units are:

        • y: years
        • M: months
        • w: weeks
        • d: days
        • h: hours
        • H: hours
        • s: seconds

        For example:

        • now+1h: The current time plus one hour
        • now+30d/d: The current time plus 30 days, rounded down to the nearest day
        • now+1h/d: The current time plus one hour, rounded down to the nearest day
        • 2016-01-01||+1M/d: 2016-01-01 plus one month, rounded down to the nearest day
  13. Add more filters if required. The alert notification will only be triggered if all of the query filter conditions have been met.
  14. Move the users that need to be notified from the Available User List to the Selected Target User List. The list of users depends on the Object Type selected.

To configure task thresholds:

  1. To create a new threshold, click . Enter the new ID and Name and click Submit. The new threshold is added to the left-hand menu.
  2. Select a new or existing threshold in the left-hand menu.
  3. The ID field displays the unique ID.
  4. In the Frequency field, select how often the threshold will be run and verified. This field uses the "Threshold" jobs defined in Schedule Jobs. If one of these jobs is run manually (instead of at the scheduled time), then all of the thresholds using that frequency will be run.

    Note: To disable the threshold, select "None".

  5. The Name field defines the name of the threshold that appears in the menu.
  6. The Object Type field identifies on which object the threshold applies. The options that can have task thresholds configured are:
    • Contract
    • Master Agreement
    • User
  7. The field Select Notification is not used.
  8. The Select Task field determines which specific task will be performed. The options depend on the selected Object Type.
  9. Click to add a Query Filter, which defines the conditions of the threshold:
    1. Select one of the following options for the Type field:
      • SINGLE VALUE: There is one value for the selected field.
      • MULTI VALUE: There is more than one value for the selected field.
      • RANGE: The field is a range (e.g., date or number range).
      • EXISTS: The field exists.
      • PREFIX: The field starts with a value.
      • WILDCARD: The field can have any value.
    2. The values available in the Field drop-down depends on the selected Object Type.
    3. Select the Match field to indicate that the field must match the specified values, or leave it unselected to indicate that the field should not match the specified values.
    4. The field values are defined in the Values or Between fields.

      Note that to specify a date, the field expects an Elasticsearch expression, which starts with an anchor date (now or a date string ending with ||), and can be followed by one or more maths expressions (such as +1h to add one hour, -1d to subtract one day, and /d to round down to the nearest day).

      Supported time units are:

      • y: years
      • M: months
      • w: weeks
      • d: days
      • h: hours
      • H: hours
      • m: minutes
      • s: seconds

      For example:

      • now+1h: The current time plus one hour
      • now+30d/d: The current time plus 30 days, rounded down to the nearest day
      • now+1h/d: The current time plus one hour, rounded down to the nearest day
      • 2016-01-01||+1M/d: 2016-01-01 plus one month, rounded down to the nearest day
  10. Add more filters if required. The task will only be triggered if all of the query filter conditions have been met.
  11. The section for Target Uers is not used.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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