Deleting Contracts and Lease Components

Lease Administrators can delete contracts and lease components that are in the "Define" status and "Initial" Contract Phase. Accountants also have the right to delete lease components.

Once the contract has been sent for approval, the contract and lease components can no longer be deleted. If required, the approver can click Rework or Callback to return the contract and lease components to the "Define" status.

To delete a contract or lease component:

  1. Open the required contract. It must be in the "Define" status.
  2. To delete the contract, click Context Menu > Delete Contract.
  3. Click Delete to confirm.
  4. To delete the lease component, navigate to the required lease component and click Context Menu > Delete Lease Component.
  5. Click Delete to confirm.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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