Importing and Exporting One Time Charges

All users with access to the activation group can export one time charges to Excel. Only Lease Administrators and Accountants can import charges into the application.

Importing charges can either modify existing charges or create new ones. New charges are created by entering a new object ID in the uploaded Excel or by leaving the Object ID blank. Note that each charge must have a unique ID, do not create a new charge with the object ID of an existing charge.

You can modify existing charges if the object ID of an existing charge is entered in the uploaded Excel file. Note that you are only able to modify existing charges if the posting status of the charge is Open. By default, Excel imports are limited to 2,000,000 bytes per file.

Note that data entered under "Charge Type" requires a leading zero (e.g., 04 or 05). Change the ID and Charge Type cell formats to "Text" if cells in the Excel are not displaying the full values when edited.

To export all charges to which the user has access:

  1. Click Main Menu > Import/Export Information > Export Charges.
  2. Select the System and the Company Code.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. When the file is ready, a notification appears in the Notification Center. Click the notification to download the Excel file.

To export all charges under an activation group:

  1. Load the required activation group.
  2. Click Context Menu > Export Charges.
  3. When the file is ready, a notification appears in the Notification Center. Click the notification to download the Excel file.

To import charges:

  1. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Main Menu > Import/Export Information > Import Charges.
    • Load the activation group and click Context Menu > Import Charges.
  2. If required, click Download Template to download an empty file and enter your charges.
  3. Click Browse to navigate to your completed file. Once selected, the application uploads the file.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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