Custom Summation Reports

Users can select the following fields when creating custom Summation Report charts:

  • Company Code
  • Lease Type
  • Company Currency
  • Quarter
  • Profit Center
  • Internal Order
  • Month
  • Contract Phase
  • Cost Center
  • Asset Class
  • Business Area
  • Functional Area
  • Year
  • Contract Currency
  • Lessor
  • Classification

Users can select the following operations when creating custom Summation Report charts:

  • Straight-line Rent Expense: Short-term leases, low value assets and operating leases under IAS17 and ASC 840 are recorded using the accrue and pay method, where the monthly rent expense is calculated on a straight-line basis (i.e., daily average lease payments*number of days in the month). This represents the straight-line expense scheduled to post between the selected period start and period end.
  • Interest Accrual Posting Amount: The interest due on the outstanding lease liability from the selected reporting period start to the selected reporting period end.
  • Total Non-Lease Payment: Sum of the non-lease payments from the selected period start to period end.
  • Estimated GRV of ROU Asset; This represents the estimated residual value of the leased asset at the end of the lease term. The estimated GRV amount is entered in the activation group before sending it to assessment.
  • Gain & Loss Expense: Sum of the gains and losses from lease modifications and casualties during the selected period start and end.
  • Finance ROU Asset - Depreciation Expense: The total depreciation expense during the selected period start and period end for activation groups classified as finance.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 01: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 01” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 02: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 02” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 03: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 03” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 04: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 04” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 05: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 05” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 06: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 06” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 07: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 07” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Non-Lease Expense Category 08: Sum of the non-lease expense for “non-lease category 08” from the selected period start to the period end.
  • Average Lease Payment: This represents the sum of average lease payments during the selected period start and end. The average lease payment per reporting period is calculated based on the number of days:

    (Total minimum lease payments + IDC -Cash Incentives + Prepaid + OTR) * (Number of days in the reporting period/Total number of days in lease term)

  • Initial Direct Cost at Inception: The sum of initial direct cost for contracts activated during the selected period start and period end.
  • Cash Incentive Amount at Inception: The sum of cash incentive for contracts activated during the selected period start and period end.
  • ASC 842 Indexation Amount - CPI (Variable Lease Expense): This field represents the incremental change applied to the base rent when applying an indexation. During an indexation under ASC 842, the incremental change is posted as a variable lease expense, keeping the lease liability intact. This represents the sum of indexation amount under ASC 842 during the selected period start and end date.
  • ASC 842 Operating ROU Asset - Expected GRV Payable: The delta between the maximum GRV and the estimated GRV value. The maximum GRV is defined at the lease component level, whereas the Estimated GRV amount is entered in the activation group before sending it to assessment. The difference between the two values entered represents the payable amount (i.e., expected amount to be paid to compensate the GRV), which is included in the lease liability present value calculation. This represents the sum of the expected GRV payable between the selected period start and end for activation groups classified as operating under ASC 842.
  • Lease Incentive - Free Rent: The lease incentive free rent amount is offset against the respective base rent amount, therefore reducing the total minimum lease payment included in the lease liability present value calculation. It represents the sum of incentive free rent during the selected period start and end.
  • ROU Asset Adjustment Amount: An adjustment amount to the ROU Asset is triggered from an event applied in the application, such as lease modification, reassessment, indexation, and casualty. It represents the sum of ROU asset adjustments between the selected period start and period end.
  • Prepaid Amount at Inception: The sum of prepaid amounts for contracts activated during the selected period start and period end.
  • Obligation to Refurbish Amount at Inception: The sum of obligation to refurbish amounts for contracts activated during the selected period start and period end.
  • IFRS 16 Indexation Amount - CPI: The incremental change applied to the base rent when applying an indexation. During an indexation, under IFRS 16, the lease liability is revalued for the revised minimum future lease payments (i.e., original amount + indexation amount).
  • Principal Lease Liability Reclass Amount - LT to ST: This represents the sum of principal lease liability amounts scheduled to move from long-term to short term during the selected period start and end.
  • Lease Liability Adjustment: A lease liability adjustment is triggered from an event applied in the application, such as lease modification, reassessment, indexation, and casualty. This represents the sum of lease liability adjustments between the selected period start and period end.
  • Average Non-Lease Payment: This represents the sum of average non-lease payments during the selected period start and end. The average non-lease payment per reporting period is calculated based on the number of days:

    Total non-lease payments) * (Number of days in the reporting period/Total number of days in lease term)

  • ASC 842 Operating ROU Asset - Depreciation Expense: The total depreciation expense during the selected period start and period end for activation groups classified as operating under ASC 842.
  • Finance ROU Asset - Accumulated Depreciation Retirement Amount: Sum of debits to accumulated depreciation during the selected period start and period end for activation groups classified as finance.
  • Principal Paid: Total payment towards the outstanding principal lease liability during the selected period start and period end.
  • Free Rent Lease Incentive for Non-Lease Amount: The non-lease incentive free rent amount is offset against the respective base rent amount, therefore reducing the total lease payment. This represents the sum of non-lease incentive free rent during the selected period start and end.
  • New ROU Asset - PVMLP Amount: This represents the total lease liability value for units activated during the selected period start and end (i.e., sum of present value of the minimum lease payments).
  • Operating ROU Asset - Accumulated Depreciation Retirement Amount: Sum of debits to accumulated depreciation during the selected period start and period end for activation groups classified as operating.
  • Early Retirement Penalty Amount: This represents the sum of termination option and purchase option amounts defined at the lease component level, casualty penalty, and unpaid interest amounts during the selected period start and end date.
  • Interest Paid: Total financing cost (interest) during the selected period start and end date.
  • Maximum GRV: The maximum GRV the residual value of the leased asset that the lessor is expecting at the end of the lease term. This represents the sum of the maximum GRV between the selected period start and end date.
  • Finance ROU Asset - Expected GRV Payable: The delta between the maximum GRV and the estimated GRV value. The maximum GRV is defined at the lease component level, whereas the Estimated GRV amount is entered in the activation group before sending it to assessment. The difference between the two values entered represents the payable amount (i.e., expected amount to be paid to compensate the GRV), which is included in the lease liability present value calculation. This represents the sum of the expected GRV payable between the selected period start and end for activation groups classified as finance.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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