SAP Data Connection

To configure the connection for SAP Writeback:

Note: Writeback requires a specific license in Nakisa HR Suite.

  1. Enter the SAP Connection for Writeback connection string, including the username for an SAP user with writeback permissions.
  2. Enter the password for that connection.
  3. Click Test Connection to verify the connection string and password combination are valid.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Note: Do not enter the password into the connection string. If your connection string contains a password element, enter {password} in the connection string and Nakisa HR Suite will replace that value with the password you enter in the Password field.

    Note: The SAP user account performing the writeback must have the necessary SAP authorizations.

To configure the connection for RFC check tables:

  1. Enter the connection string in the SAP Connection for RFC check tables connection field.
  2. Enter the password for that connection.
  3. Click Test Connection to verify the connection string and password combination are valid.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Note: Do not enter the password into the connection string. If your connection string contains a password element, enter {password} in the connection string and Nakisa HR Suite will replace that value with the password you enter in the Password field.

Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.