Derived Hierarchy in Other Environments

Nakisa HR Suite can assess your SSP structure and predict what an OOSP structure based on your organization would look like.

If you are in a non-SuccessFactors SSP environment and want to set up derived hierarchy in your environment, follow these steps.

To manually set up your Derived Hierarchy:

  1. Ensure that you set up your environment as Nakisa SSP.
  2. Ensure that you have populated the Derived Hierarchy page, including identification of the Derived Organization Root.
  3. Open the Data Management page (if you have not already) and click Create New Batch. This opens a new tab in the second pane.
  4. Populate the SSP Data Extraction Spreadsheet file from the Available Templates section , specifically ensuring that you populate the PositiontoDepartment, PositiontoDivision, or PositiontoBusinessUnit tabs, as appropriate to your environment.
  5. Select Effective Dated Excel in the first drop-down menu.
  6. Select Upload Data in the second drop-down menu.
  7. Select Update or Insert to update the talent information in your existing employee records without overwriting any of the other HCM data.
  8. Click the Upload link, navigate to the template you populated, and click Open.
  9. Click Run. This opens up a dialog indicating that this change might not be reversible. Nakisa HR Suite then checks the data you're importing to ensure there are no accidental circular reporting relationships, then starts the import.
  10. Click Run Batch.
  11. Click Recreate Index.

Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.