User Role Access

This section defines each role that Nakisa HR Suite provides "out of the box" and explaining what each role has access to and what they do not.

Role Type Access
Employee The Employee Role can see some of the views, can perform searches in the data (though secure fields are not displayed), they can use the Employee Map, and can populate their own profiles. They can see (and search in) information that other users have added to their profiles, but cannot see Employee nodes (the purple ones) in the org chart. Most users in a company will have this role.The Employee Role does not have access to any of the analytics or dashboards, will not see sensitive data such as talent ratings or salary information, and cannot create or see scenarios.
Manager The Manager Role can see everything the Employee can see, plus they have access to dashboards for their areas and the people/positions below them. They can view high-level talent data about the entire organization, but they can see all of the secure data for the people who report to them. They can create Team Design scenarios for all people/positions that report to them. The Manager Role does not have access to salary information outside of their department, and cannot create Org Design or Org Merger scenarios. They will see secured information outside of their organization if some or all of a scenario is assigned to them.
HR-Location The HR-Location Role can see everything the Employee can see, plus they have access to some secured data (talent, succession planning) for nodes that share the same location as the logged in user. HR-Location users can create Team Design scenarios for the entire organization. The HR-Location Role cannot create Org Design or Org Merger scenarios. They can work in one of these scenarios if a Creator or Writer shares a scenario with them, and they will only see secured that matches their location.
HR-Master The HR-Master Role can see all data and views in the application (secure and non-secure), plus they have access to all dashboards and analytics. They can create Team Design scenarios for the entire organization, but cannot create Org Design or Org Merger scenarios. They can work in one of these scenarios if a Creator or Writer shares a scenario with them.
HR The HR Role can see all data and views in the application (secure and non-secure), plus they have access to all dashboards and analytics. They can create Team Design scenarios for the entire organization, but cannot create Org Design or Org Merger scenarios. They can work in one of these scenarios if a Creator or Writer shares a scenario with them.

The Creator role can see everything that HR can see, plus can create Org Design and Org Merger scenarios for the entire organization. The Creator Role cannot write finalized scenarios back to the HRIS.


The Writer role can see everything that the Creator role can see, and the Writer role can write finalized scenarios back to

their HRIS.

You can also restrict access in Nakisa HR Suite for some users who do not need access to more sensitive data. These roles only allow the users access to basic employee information. They cannot access any analytics or create any scenarios.

Role Access
Manager - OrgChart Only These roles only give access to the Org chart, Details Panel and Search Views only.
HR - Master - OrgChart Only

HR - Location - OrgChart Only

HR - OrgChart Only


In addition to the front-end roles you can assign or create, there is a back-end administrator role you can give to users who will log into the Nakisa AdminConsole and perform tasks such as changing settings, upload HR data, and add employee photos.

Role Type Access
Functional Administrator The Functional Administrator can change several of the application settings; manually upload HR data or schedule HR data uploads from your HRIS; upload photos, custom images, and logo files; view the Task Manager, and edit captions.


There is also a unique role that allows a user to have access to the Nakisa AdminConsole and Nakisa HR Suite using the same login credentials.

Role Type Access

Power User

The Power User has the same back-end privileges as the Functional Administrator and the same front end privileges as the Writer role.

Role Feature Access

Each role's feature access is set upon deployment of a Nakisa HR Suite instance. This acess, however, is customizable. You can decided to include or remove access to features per role based on your oranisational needs.

To modify the feature access, please contact the Nakisa implementation team.

Custom Roles

Custom roles can also be created to expand on these roles. This should help you determine which role to assign to each of your employees. Custom roles are used to add or restrict access to the different features and company information displayed in Nakisa HR Suite.

For additional information, please contact the Nakisa HR Suite implementation team.

Restricted Roles

Restricted Roles only grant access to records that the role has been assigned. By default, restricted roles are set as dynamic roots, which will automatically set the OrgChart in Nakisa HR Suite to start at the user's associated root. Restricterd roles are managed by the Nakisa support team.

For additional information or to make any changes to Restricted Roles, please contact the Nakisa HR Suite implementation team.

Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.