Scenario Target Settings

This section allows administrators to enable or disable different scenario targets relevant to their organization.

Target Setting Description


The number of employees in a specific organization

Total Salary (USD)

The total salary of the employees in a specific organization

Depth + Layer

Layer: The number of levels the node sits below the root.

Depth: The number of layers that sit below the current node.

Span of Control

The number of positions that report to a manager.

Average Span of Control

The average number of employees per manager in the node.

Average Span of Control (Alternative Calculation)

The total number of employees under a position (not including the incumbent position).

Warning: If you disable a target that has already been defined in a scenario, that scenario will fail to load. To make sure the scenario does not fail, remove the target from any affected scenarios before disabling it.

Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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