Scenario Validation Settings

This section allows you to enable or disable the validation rules that will apply to the scenarios your users create in the main application. This will allow you to apply some quality controls to the data that is being written back to your ERP before it is written back. Nakisa advises that you turn off the validations that do not apply to your environments (for example, any to do with org units if you have a position-to-position-based environment) or those that are not feasible in your environment.

Rule Name

Validation Performed

One Manager position per org unit

Flags scenarios that contain org units with no or multiple managers

Occupied manager position

Flags scenarios that contain org units with unoccupied manager positions

Orphan positions

Flags scenarios that contain positions that do not report to another position

Org unit with blank name

Flags scenarios that contain unnamed org units

Org unit with blank abbreviation

Flags scenarios that contain org units without abbreviations

Positions without jobs

Flags scenarios that contain positions that do not have jobs assigned to them

Vacant manager position

Flags scenarios that contain unoccupied manager positions

Position with blank name

Flags scenarios that contain unnamed positions

Position with blank abbreviation

Flags scenarios that contain positions without abbreviations

Orphan employees

Flags scenarios that contain employees that do not report to a position

Shared positions

Flags scenarios that contain positions that have more than one employee

Org unit with same solid and dotted reporting line

Flags scenarios that contain org units with both solid and dotted line reporting relationships between the same objects

Position with same solid and dotted reporting line

Flags scenarios that contain both solid and dotted line reporting relationships between the same objects

Orphan org unit

Flags scenarios that contain org units that do not report to a parent org unit

Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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