Discovering Orphaned Nodes

When working with scenarios, you may need to baseline your HCM data by determining where your orphan employees, positions, or org units are and integrating them into your org chart. The process to do this is slightly different depending on whether your administrator set up a Scenario Share or a Work Area Assignment model for your Classic Nakisa HR Suite environment. Ask your Classic Nakisa HR Suite administrator which environment was chosen for your organization.

To discover unused objects in an AOR environment:

  1. Click the Main menu and select My Scenarios.
  2. Click the scenario you want to open.
  3. Click Load in the Scenario Root or Work Areas Assigned to Me section. .
  4. Click the Organization Overview icon in the Application Menu. This opens the Organization Overview.
  5. Open the Settings menu on the right side of the page .
  6. In the Excluded Objects section, click the Search icon. The orphaned nodes open in table in a new tab.
  7. Click the context menu for the object you want to rehome and select Move from the Mass Actions drop-down menu.
  8. Enter the name or ID of the position or org unit this object should report to and click Submit.


Alternatively, you can open Classic Nakisa HR Suite in two-pane mode, with the list of orphaned nodes in one pane and the org chart view of your scenario in the other pane. You can drag and drop from the list of nodes directly into your org chart.

Classic Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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