Using the Turnover Dashboard

The Turnover dashboard provides quick visual access to turnover data for your organization. You can determine which charts appear on your Dashboard, and you can access near real-time analytics by filtering the items that appear in each chart.

To open the Turnover Dashboard:

  • Click the Main Menu and select Turnover Analysis, then select Turnover Dashboard. Select an Effective Date, if appropriate.

To place a standard chart on the Turnover Dashboard:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Dashboard icon .
  2. Select the chart to add from the list. The chart appears on the Dashboard after the current charts.
  3. Repeat these steps if you need to add more than one instance of the same chart.

To extract the list of filtered results from the Turnover Dashboard

  1. Select the filters you want to apply to your data from the filter panel on the left.
  2. Click Search in the list of Dashboard menu icons to open a new tab with the list of employees or positions who meet the criteria you filtered on. If you need to remove filters from your list, click the x on the icon representing the specific filter to close it.

To share your Turnover Dashboard:

  1. Configure your Dashboard to your specifications.
  2. Click Share .
  3. Copy the link in the Share Link dialog and click Close.
  4. Share the link with the appropriate users as needed.

To save your Turnover Dashboard configuration as a Favorite

  1. Configure your Dashboard, charts, and filters to your specifications.
  2. Click Add to Favorites.
  3. Enter a name for your Dashboard layout and click Save.

To access this layout again, click the Main menu, and select Favorites . Open the menu under Dashboards and select the layout you saved.

To change the number of columns on your Turnover Dashboard

By default, the Dashboard displays two columns, but you can increase this to three or four columns, or decrease the number of columns to one.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Number of Columns icon .
  2. Select the number of columns you want to display. The Dashboard updates to reflect your selection.

To filter the charts on your Turnover Dashboard by type

You can choose to display only charts of a certain type. Currently, the chart categories are: Added Chart (the custom charts you created and added), Diversity and Inclusion, Org Alignment, and Talent.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Filter Charts icon .
  2. Select one or more filters for your charts. Classic Nakisa HR Suite removes the charts that do not match your selection.

To display all of your charts again and remove the filters, select Reset Filters.

To add a new custom-chart

If the charts provided out of the box in Classic Nakisa HR Suite do not provide you with the metrics you need, you can add a custom chart of your own.

  1. Click Add Custom Chart .
  2. Select the type of chart you need from the Chart Types list.
  3. Enter a title for your chart.
  4. Select the Analytic that will appear on the X-axis of the chart.
  5. Select the Analytic that will appear on the Y-axis and Z-axis of the chart, if appropriate.
  6. Select the Operation to perform on the data, if appropriate.
  7. Click Add.

To filter your Turnover Dashboard results:

Open the Filter Panel and select the filters you want to apply. The graphs and charts on the dashboard will update automatically.

To arrange the order of the charts

Drag and drop the charts in the order you wish on the page.

To remove a chart

Click the Remove icon on the thumbnail. If you need to add the graph back to your Dashboard, follow the steps in To place an Existing Chart on the Dashboard.

Working with Dashboard Charts

  • For charts that are already on your Dashboard, click the Expand icon to view the chart in full screen mode.
  • To toggle between chart and table, click the Chart or Table icon, as appropriate.
  • To open additional operations/ views for some charts, click the Operations icon to access additional display options for the chart.
  • To toggle between actual values and percentages in the square charts, click the Percent icon and select one of the percentage value options, if appropriate.
  • To export the table of values to Excel, click Export to Excel . This is only available from the Table view.

Note: If you are using Effective Dates in your environment, your Classic Nakisa HR Suite administrator will have set up automatic indexing of all of your effective dated data. (Out of the box, this is set to be done once a quarter, but your administrator may have changed that.) While this full indexing is taking place, the Turnover analytics will show a value of 0. After the indexing process completes, the Turnover values will calculate and display correctly in Classic Nakisa HR Suite.

Classic Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.