Other Disclosure Report Settings

Users can configure up to two application-wide additional group reporting group currencies for the Disclosure Reports using the settings detailed on this page. If these settings are configured, exchange rates must either be synced (available with the Financial Analysis Reporting Module license) or regularly imported into the application via Data Management.

Note that there is an alternative method to using the settings on this page. Nakisa recommends using this alternative method of configuring additional group reporting currencies, which can be found in theExchange Rate Type table.

For an overview of all the methods that can be used to configure reporting exchange rates, refer to Exchange Rates for Dashboards and Reports.

To configure the Reporting settings:

  1. Click Application Menu > Settings.
  2. In the left-menu, click Report Settings under Settings.
  3. Configure settings or enable or disable the switches as needed.
  4. Click Save.

To import exchange rates via Data Management:

  1. If additional group currencies are configured and exchange rate sync is not enabled on the Financial Analysis Reporting Module Settings page, exchange rates must be regularly imported into the application for reporting use. Click Application Menu > Data Management.
  2. Under Available Templates, click Download to get the ReportingExchangeRate_Template.xlsx. Update the file with exchange rates according to the configuration settings on the Report Settings and Financial Analysis Reporting Module Settings pages. If you configure the settings with unique rate types, the largest set of exchange rates to maintain is:
    • A set of spot rates (e.g., M) for contract to company currency (Financial Dashboards)
    • A set of spot rates (e.g., M) for contract to group currency (Financial Dashboards)
    • A set of month-end rates (e.g., X) for contract to group 1 currency (Disclosure Reports)
    • A set of month-end rates (e.g., X) for contract to group 2 currency (Disclosure Reports)
    • A set of month-average rates (e.g., Y) for contract to month-average group 1 currency (Expense Reports)
    • A set of month-average rates (e.g., Y) for contract to month-average group 2 currency (Expense Reports)
  3. Click Create New Batch. This opens the data update options on the right side of the screen.
  4. Select ReportingExchangeRate in the first drop-down, and then select one of the following options:
    • Load Data: Deletes all existing records, and loads the new data.
    • Insert Data. A third drop-down appears with the following options:
      • Insert Only: Inserts the new records and ignores the existing ones (based on ID).
      • Merge Existing: Inserts the new records, and merges records that already exist.
      • Overwrite Existing: Inserts the new records, and overwrites existing records with new values.
    • Update Data
      • Update Only: Only imports records that already exist, and updates them.
      • Update or Insert: Updates existing records, and inserts the new ones. Note that updating records does not include removing/deleting records.
    • Delete Data: Deletes all records with matching IDs as the ones that are being imported.
    • Apply Delta
  5. Click Upload in table and navigate to your file of exchange rates.
  6. Click Run. The upload is complete once the Status field changes to "Successful".
  7. Repeat this process regularly as needed.

The following additional group currency settings are available:

Setting Description

Month End Exchange Rate Type for Additional Group Currency

If Additional Group Currency 1 or Additional Group Currency 2 switches are enabled for Disclosure Reports, you must define the Month-End Exchange Rate Type and the Month-Average Exchange Rate Type.

When parallel currency is disabled, the Expense Report uses the month-average exchange rates, whereas the other Disclosure Reports use month-end rates. (Note that if parallel currency is enabled, the Expense Report uses the daily rate.)

By default, these settings are empty. Assign a Month-End Rate Type that is different than the one used for spot rates for the Financial Dashboards (e.g., "X"). To maintain month average rates, assign a different rate type (e.g., "Y"), or reuse the same spot rate type (e.g., "M") if you do not want to maintain another set of rates.

Month Average Exchange Rate Type for Additional Group Currency

Additional Group Currency 1

If reports need to be generated under an additional group currency or if parallel currency is disabled, you can configure an additional group currency for the Disclosure Reports.

This switch is disabled by default. If it is enabled, the accompanying settings must be configured and reporting exchange rates must either be synced or regularly imported into the application via Data Management.

Source Currency 1: Company Currency

If the Additional Group Currency 1 switch is enabled, enable this switch to convert company currency amounts to the additional group currency, instead of converting the contract currency amounts. This switch is disabled by default.

Additional Group Currency 1: Currency Type

If the Additional Group Currency 1 switch is enabled, configure the Currency Type and Target Currency for the first additional group currency.

If you are importing exchange rates (via ReportingExchangeRate.xlsx in Data Management), the exchange rates must match this configuration for the conversion from contract currency to the additional group currency. Exchange rates for month-end rates and month-average rates will have to be maintained if they are configured with different Rate Types. Note that only direct exchange rates can be uploaded (all alternative exchange rates, reference currencies, factors, etc. must already be taken into account in the uploaded rates).

By default, Currency Rate Type is set to "30" and the Target Currency is set to "USD".

Additional Group Currency 1: Target Currency

Additional Group Currency 2

If reports need to be generated under an additional group currency or if parallel currency is disabled, you can configure a second additional group currency for the Disclosure Reports.

This switch is disabled by default. If it is enabled, the accompanying settings must be configured and reporting exchange rates must either be synced or regularly imported into the application via Data Management.

Source Currency 2: Company Currency

If the Additional Group Currency 2 switch is enabled, enable this switch to convert company currency amounts to the additional group currency, instead of converting the contract currency amounts. This switch is disabled by default.

Additional Group Currency 2: Currency Type

If the Additional Group Currency 2 switch is enabled, configure the Currency Type and Target Currency for the second additional group currency.

If you are importing exchange rates (via ReportingExchangeRate.xlsx in Data Management), the exchange rates must match this configuration for the conversion from contract currency to the additional group currency. Exchange rates for month-end rates and month-average rates will have to be maintained if they are configured with different Rate Types. Note that only direct exchange rates can be uploaded (all alternative exchange rates, reference currencies, factors, etc. must already be taken into account in the uploaded rates).

By default, Currency Rate Type is set to "30" and the Target Currency is set to "USD".

Additional Group Currency 2: Target Currency

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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