Cost Objects and Tax Settings

This Settings page contains the switches related to cost objects and taxes that appear on the contract and activation group Accounting pages, and the Unit form.

To define the Cost Objects and Tax Settings:

  1. Click Application Menu > Settings > Cost Objects and Tax Settings.
  2. Enable or disable the switches as needed.

  3. Click Save.

The following switches are available to set Cost Objects and Tax:

Switch Description

Enable Cost Center to Tax Jurisdiction

To automatically select the Tax Jurisdiction when the Cost Center is selected, enable this switch. When enabled, users do not have the option to set the Tax Jurisdiction field themselves. It is populated based on the configuration of the cost centers in the master data configuration.

Make sure that the Tax Jurisdiction field is populated for all cost centers in all company codes in the master data configuration.

Enable Tax Code Determination

Enable this switch to have the application automatically set the Tax Code based on the country, company, external asset class, tax jurisdiction, and tax type selected for the activation group.

Note: If this option is enabled, the Tax Configuration tables in the Master Data Configuration must be configured.

Show/Hide Additional Liability Cost Objects

Enable this switch to display the fields Profit Center, Segment, and Network on the Unit screen.

Enable Additional Liability Cost Objects Import/Export

Enable this switch to import and export these fields in the Unit Excel.

Show/Hide Additional Asset Cost Objects

By default, the application uses the cost objects defined in the contract for the liability and asset postings. Enable this switch to display separate liability and asset cost object fields on the unit pop-up screen, to be able to change the asset cost objects at inception and have different cost objects for assets and liability. The liability cost objects are still derived from the contract.

Block Cost Object Edits on Active Units

Enable this switch to block users from modifying Cost Center, Business Area, Functional Area, and Profit Center on the Unit screen once the contract has been activated. When this switch is disabled, cost objects for active units can be modified via lease modifications or reassessments.

Enable/Disable Cost Center Allocation Rules

To enable the Cost Center splitting, enable this switch. When enabled, users can define cost center allocation rules to split amounts going to P&L accounts to different Cost Centers. The same rules can be used at all levels of the contract, or different rules can be defined at activation group and unit level. Note that this switch is disabled by default.

Note: Cost Center splitting is only available for systems operating in standalone mode. When the system is connected to SAP, Cost Center allocation rules can be defined directly in SAP.

Enable Cost Center Allocation Rules Import/Export

Enable this switch to import or export Cost Center Allocation Rules via Excel. The switch Enable Excel Imports/Exports must also be enabled.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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