Notification Settings

Use the Notification Settings to configure whether or not Nakisa Lease Administration will send users notifications after certain application events, and the email configuration for the account sending those notifications.

You can also configure how often the application updates the Notification Center .

To configure the email notification settings:

  1. Click Application Menu > Settings.
  2. In the left-menu, click Notification Settings under Settings.
  3. Configure settings or enable or disable the switches as needed.
  4. Click Test Email Connection, if needed. This will test the current unsaved settings and display a message indicating the connection results at the bottom of the screen. Note that this can also be used at any time to test saved connection settings.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart the application server for email server changes to take effect.
Setting Description

Generate Report Email

When a manual or scheduled report is generated, an email notification with a report download link is sent to the user who generated the report. Note that the user must be logged into the application on the device that is used to download the report. This switch is enabled by default.

Note: You must also configure all of the fields on this page and enable the switch Email Notifications for the changes to take effect.

Email Notifications

By default, this switch is disabled. Enable the switch to enable the email notifications configured in the application. Email notifications can be turned on or off for specific tasks, such as Notifications in Master Data Configuration or Thresholds.

Note: You must configure all of the fields on this page, and restart the application server for email server changes to take effect.

Email SMTP Host

Enter the SMTP host server name.

Email SMTP Port

Enter the port that the SMTP host uses to send messages.

Email Sender Address

Enter the address of the sender account.

Email SMTP Password

Enter the password for that sender account.

Application URL

Enter the full application URL (excluding the trailing "/default.html") where the Nakisa Lease Administration application will be accessed. It is used to generate the hyperlinks to the master agreement or contract the in the email notification.

Notification Pull Interval

By default, this field is set to 20000 milliseconds. This field determines how often the application checks for and sends notifications that appear in the Notification Center.


Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.