What's New

This section outlines the new features and fixes included in Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP1 (updated as of the July 18th, 2023 release):

  • A new Stop button has been added to the Batch Items page in Batch Management. This button appears in running batches and stops the batch from processing the remaining batch items.
  • A new batch action Delete Open Drafts has been added to Contract Change batches to delete all open drafts of the contract and activation group.
  • In Posting batches in Batch Management, the Post To and Reverse To fields on the Inputs page are now mandatory (unless the Today checkbox is selected). Note that you must modify any existing batches that do not have these fields set, otherwise the batch will fail.
  • A new Reference Date field has been added to the Indexation event pop-up, allowing users to have a reference date that is independent from the payment date for individual CPI Global indexation events.
  • In Import/Export Information, the following changes have been made to the pop-up window displayed when contracts or activation groups are exported to Excel.
    • A series of new fields have been added to allow users to export data based on specific contract or activation group IDs.
    • Users can now select more than one company in the Company Code filter.
    • New Lease Area and Lease Business Unit filters have been added.
  • Users can now use the Mass Lease Modification tool to change the contract rate (even if no new term is added).
  • The new fields Accounting Determination ID, Asset Accounting Determination ID, and Non Lease Accounting Determination ID are now displayed on new posting documents (when applicable) for informational purposes.
  • This release now supports integration with SAP ERP S/4HANA 2021 systems.
  • A series of new switches have been added to the Accounting Settings page in the Nakisa AdminConsole to determine the default position of different checkboxes.
    • The switch 'Set "Modify Contract Rate" by Default' determines the default position of the "Modify Contract Rate" checkbox in lease modification events.
    • The switch 'Set "Use User Terms & Conditions" by Default' determines the default position of the "Use User Terms & Conditions" checkbox in workflow batches in Batch Management.
    • The switch 'Set "Apply Earlier Indexation" by Default' determines the default position of the "Apply Earlier Indexation" checkbox in Extension terms.
  • A new switch "Disable Lease End Date Validations" has been added to the Accounting Settings page to disable the validations for the End Date and Posting Date fields during the lease end process.
  • The new switch "Enable Sending Activation Date as Value Date" has been added to the Posting Settings page to determine the Value Date that is sent to SAP during asset capitalization and lease event postings in connected systems. When this switch is enabled, the Activation Date or Effective Date is always sent as the Value Date.
  • The following changes have been made to Scheduled Posting Jobs:
    • A new checkbox "Until End of Schedule Run Month" has been added to the Posting Parameters section. If this checkbox is selected, the job picks up all postings until the end of the month of the day the job is scheduled to run.
    • A new Stop button has been added to running jobs to stop the job from processing the remaining items.
  • To improve performance during certain SAP syncs, a new Schedule Job "Data Management Batch Rolling Task" has been added and runs once a day by default to delete the history of successful Data Management batches that have passed the rolling threshold of 7 days.
  • A new switch "New RFC_READ_TABLE" has been added to the BAPI Settings page and is off by default. For SAP ERP versions ECC6 or S/4HANA 2020 or earlier with the support package 61817INSAPFIN or later applied that changes RFC_READ_Table, enable the switch to send the correct BAPIs and parameters to SAP.
  • When an accrual posting batch is run on a contract that has multiple accounting standards (one of which is classified as ASC 842 operating), the application now properly uses the configuration in the Accounting Determination table. Note that the application was previously using the GL accounts configured for the operating classification for all accounting standards on the lease.

    Warning: If different GL accounts are configured for the different standards in the Accounting Determination table, the application will begin posting accrual batches to these new GL accounts. This may result in remaining balances when existing leases are closed. To work around this issue, modify your configuration to continue using the same GL accounts or contact Nakisa Support for additional options.

Dashboards and Reports

In addition to the changes listed above, the following changes have been made to the dashboards and reports:

  • The Movement and Closing Balance Reports in Additional Reports are now also supported in hybrid systems and for leases operating under ASC 842.
  • A series of new columns have been added to the Movement and Closing Balance Reports to record non-lease amounts:
    • Movement Report:
      • Non-Lease Expense - Profit/Loss (Debit)
      • Non-Lease Payment (Debit)
      • Non-Lease Accrual (Credit)
    • Closing Balance Report:
      • Non-Lease Expense- Profit/Loss
      • Accrued Non-Lease Expense
  • In the Asset Roll Forward Report in Disclosure Reports, the "Accumulated Depreciation Expense Movement (Net)" column has been renamed to "Accumulated Depreciation Expense Movement" and now no longer contains AD change amounts. A new column "AD Change" has been added to track the AD change amounts separately.
  • The following changes have been made to the Consolidated Transaction Reports:
    • The new columns "Contract Name" and "Contract Description" have been added to the reports.
    • A new Depreciation Area filter has been added to filter depreciation areas for Asset Depreciation posting documents.
    • A new "Reversal Posting Date" column has been added to display the Posting Date for reversed documents. This is typically the same as the original Posting Date, but may be different if reversal posting dates are enabled in the Nakisa AdminConsole.
  • A new Database Information section and accompanying columns have been added to the Data Quality Integrity Report in Additional Reports. These columns record changes to the contract or activation group database tables, such as when the object was created or last modified.
  • The following new columns have been added to the Activity Analysis by Amount Report in Additional Reports:
    • A "Lease Payment" column has been added to the new Payments section of the report.
    • The columns "Current Principal Liability", "Non-Current Principal Liability", and "Reclassification to Current Principal Liabilities" have been added to the Liability section of the report.
  • In the Company Code filter in the filter panel of Financial Dashboards, the company code is now displayed next to the company name in drop-down options of the filter.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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