Mass CPI Batches

Users with Accountant roles can create Mass Global CPI Change batches using the steps outlined on this page.

To create a Mass Global CPI batch:

  1. Click Main Menu > Batch Management > Create Batch.
  2. Set the Batch Type to "Mass CPI Change".
  1. On the Definition page, modify the following information, if required:
    1. Click to change the object type for the Target Level. Note that depending on the batch type, the Target Level may be automatically selected and cannot be changed.
    2. Enter a new Batch Name.
    3. Click at the top of the page. Note that you cannot leave the page until it is either saved, or reset to the previous saved version.
  2. In the left-panel, click Actions.
    1. Select the action that you would like the batch to do. Note that depending on the batch type, some actions may be automatically selected and cannot be changed.
    2. Click at the top of the page. Note that you cannot leave the page until it is either saved, or reset to the previous saved version.
  3. In the left-panel, click Filters to determine which objects the batch should be run on. It is possible to filter batches based on application objects such as, master agreements, contracts and activation groups, or by specific criteria (such as System, Lease Area, etc.).
    • To filter a batch:
      1. In the Filters drop down menu, select "Default".
      2. After setting each field, click . You can select more than one option per field.
      3. Click at the top of the page. Note that you cannot leave the page until it is either saved, or reset to the previous saved version.
      4. If required, you can select one or more CPI Indexation Types, as well as CPI Indexations.

      Note: If intercompany transfers have been applied, the application will use either company code and cost objects of the original company or of the new company based on the batch target level and action type. See Intercompany Transfers for more information.

    • To select batches based on specific application objects such as, master agreements, contracts, or activation groups (instead of filters). Note that different options may be available depending on the selected batch type.
      1. In the Filters drop down menu, you can select one of the following options (if available):
        • Bulk Master Agreements
        • Bulk Contracts
        • Bulk Activation Groups
        • Bulk Units
      2. For certain batch types, select a System or Company.
      3. Select one or more object IDs for the specific batch, and click .
      4. Click at the top of the page. Note that you cannot leave the page until it is either saved, or reset to the previous saved version.
  1. In the left-panel, click Inputs to add more information and set the fields used:
    1. For CPI Local Indexation, the following additional fields are required:
      • Set the CPI Index Type:
        1. Rate: Enter a new indexation level. The new level is divided by the old level to generate the rate in the Index term and condition.
        2. Percentage: Enter the percentage increase or decrease applied to the rent amount. The percentage is applied to the current indexation level and the rate is calculated for the Index term and condition.
      • In the field New Index Value, enter the new index level or a positive or negative percentage value
    2. For CPI Global Indexation, set the Reference Date field, if required. The application uses this date to select an indexation value based on the indexation configuration in the Nakisa AdminConsole. If this date is left blank, the indexation value is selected based on the payment date of the indexation term.
    3. Set the Payment Date From and Payment Date To fields. The batch picks up all active contracts that have unposted transactions in the date range and no posted transactions after the range. If there are contracts with some posted transactions within the range, the batch will execute the indexation event after the last posted period.

      Note: When the "Apply Event in First Period" checkbox is selected, the Payment Date To field is ignored and the batch picks up all active contracts that have unposted transactions after the Payment Date From. If any transactions after the Payment Date From are posted, the batch item will fail.

    4. Select the checkbox Apply Event in First Period, if required. When the checkbox is selected, the effective date is set to the first available payment day of a month on or after the Payment Date From for payments in advance. For payments in arrears, the effective date is set to one month prior to the first payment day of a month on or after the Payment Date From.

      When the checkbox is unselected, the effective date is set to the first available payment date (advance) or one month prior to the first available payment date (arrears) in the first unposted period within the selected range.

      For example, if the checkbox is selected and if there are quarterly payments in arrears (with the next available payment on June 15) and the Payment From and Payment To are set to May. 1 to Aug. 30, then if no periods have been posted, the Effective Date is set to Apr. 16. If the checkbox is unselected, the Effective Date is set to May 16.

      Note: The batch item will fail if there are postings in the month of the effective date.

    5. For ASC 842 or GASB 87 leases, set the Floating Indexation checkbox, if required. When this checkbox is selected, the application does not capitalize index payments for ASC 842 and GASB 87 leases. If the checkbox is unselected, the index payments for ASC 842 and GASB 87 leases are capitalized in subsequent events that change the ROU asset value.

      Warning: The configuration in the Nakisa AdminConsole determines the default position of this checkbox, in addition to determining whether the checkbox appears in the application. Note that if the checkbox is hidden, the application still uses the configured default position of the checkbox for all indexation events. Contact your system administrator for more information, if required.

    6. If required, set the Amendment Date, Posting Date, and Document Date fields to use for the indexation event for every valid contract. If these fields are not set, the batch uses the Payment Posting Dates from the schedule for the three dates in the indexation events.
  2. Optionally, to display the estimate of how many objects match the conditions set, click Batch Items: Calculate in the gray header.

    Tip: In case of an error, refine the filter settings for a smaller batch.

  3. To generate the batch items, click at the top of the page. All of the matching objects are listed on the Batch Items page. The batch status changes from "Draft" to "Ready".

See also:  

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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