Activity History
Users can create activities to mark important events in the lease life cycle. Activity history is used for tracking purposes only. Activity histories are based on the activity types that are configured in Picklist Management. If the activity type has been configured to require finalization, the activity can block the draft (excluding scenarios) until the activity is completed or dismissed.
Activities can be added whenever the status is Draft. This includes the beginning before initial activation, or in a lease version draft.
Note: If an activity requires finalization, a notification is sent to the user with the Approver role to inform them that the finalization is pending review. The lease is read-only until the activity is finalized.
Activities with no finalization required are automatically marked as completed and the lease can be immediately modified. To learn more about activity history permissions, refer to Activity History Permission Management.
Once created, an activity cannot be modified, but it can be deleted before finalization.
When an activity that has finalization configured is marked as Complete, it cannot be modified or deleted. If the activity has been marked as Dismissed, you can delete but not modify the activity.
To add an activity:
- Open the lease to which you would like to add an activity history.
- Under the Actions section, click Activity History.
- Click .
- From the Type field, select the appropriate activity type.
- In the Activity Date field, enter the date on which the activity took or will take place. If this field is left empty, the application uses the date on which you added the activity.
- Fill in an optional Code or Description.
- Click Save.
To finalize an activity history:
- In the Activity History section, click next to the activity you would like to finalize.
- Select Complete or Dismiss.
- If desired, write a comment.
- The activity is finalized and the lease is unfrozen.
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