
Leases are defined based on the location type and on the occupancy of the head premises or sub-premises. These factors determine whether a lease needs to be created or not, as well as the type of the lease. The possible lease types are:

  • Head lease: The principal lease for the head premises or the principal leased area.
  • Internal lease: An internal lease (also referred to as a secondary lease), is created when the legal entity linked to a head premises enters into a contract with another division from the same group for the occupancy of part or all of the principal leased area.
  • External lease: An external lease (also referred to as a secondary lease), is created when the legal entity linked to the head premises enters into a contract with an external company for the occupancy of part or all of the principal leased area.

The following table lists the different combinations of location type, premises occupancy, premises type (as well as the principal position of the associated contract), and the resulting lease: 

Your Location Type Premises Occupancy Premises (Associated Contract) Resulting Lease



Any premises (No contract)

No lease



Any premises (No contract)

No lease


Leased internally

(lessee is another internal division of the business)

Head premises (No contract)

No lease

Sub-premises (Lessor contract)

Internal lease


Leased externally

(lessee is an external company)

Head premises (No contract)

No lease

Sub-premises (Lessor contract) External lease


Occupied Head premises (Lessee contract)

Head lease

Sub-premises (No contract) No lease


Vacant Head premises (Lessee contract)

Head lease

Sub-premises (No contract) No lease
Leased Leased internally Head premises (Lessee contract) Head lease
Sub-premises (Lessor contract) Internal lease
Leased Lease externally (subleased externally) Head premises (Lessee contract)

Head lease

Sub-premises (Lessor contract) External lease

Refer to the following sections to learn how to enter leases in Nakisa Real Estate:

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