Percentage Rent

If your lease is a percentage rent lease, you can use the Percentage Rent tab to calculate the payment to your landlord.

Nakisa Real Estate allows you to create conditions where you can define rules per sales category to determine what percentage will be included in calculations. You can then create a percentage rent period in which the application will collect the sales data that falls within the period date range and calculate owed amounts based on the defined conditions.

To calculate percentage rent amounts, the following workflow must be followed:

  1. Before activating your lease, create your percentage rent conditions where you will define what sales will be included in calculations, and create your rules to define your breakeven point and the percentage rent to be paid.
  2. Activate your lease.
  3. In your premises, enter your sales data.
  4. Navigate back to your lease and under the calculated percentage rent section, create a percentage rent period.
  5. The application calculates the owed percentage rent and displays these amounts in the generated Percentage Rent Report.
  6. After percentage rent amounts are calculated, you can create a one time (non-lease) payment for the amount, which can be posted from the Scheduled Payments module.

To learn how to create percentage rent rules and calculate amounts, refer to the following topics:

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