
In the Documents tab, you can upload all the relevant documents or attach links to the location. Documents can be added when the location is in "Active" or "Draft" status.

The list of documents can be filtered using the Document Type drop-down. Note that the filtering is done using the optional Document Type field that users set when they upload files.

To modify or delete an attached document, click in the Actions menu and select the required action.

To add a document to the location:

  1. Click Main > Locations in the application menu and open the required location.
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Click to upload a document.
    • Click and select the file that you would like to upload. In the optional file information fields, note that the Document Type is only used for filtering purposes.
  4. Click to attach a link.
    • Enter a Link, as well as any additional information in the optional information fields. Note that the Document Type is only used for filtering purposes.
  5. Click Save.

Nakisa Real Estate 2023.R2 © 2023 - DRAFT



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