Create a Proposal
To make changes to your team, first ensure you are in Edit mode. Once you begin to make updates to your area, a new proposal is created. You can only have one Proposal active at a time, so if you already have an active Proposal, when you switch to Edit mode you will automatically resume to your active Proposal.
Once your Proposal has been approved, you can begin working on a new Proposal. The data you see when creating a new Proposal will include any changes that have been made in previous Proposals that have been approved (but not necessarily deployed).
Note: This only applies to Edit mode, to see changes reflected in Nakisa OrgInsight the Proposal must be Deploy a Proposal.
You can make the following changes within your AOR:
All of your changes are tracked in the Proposal Panel.
You can remove any changes you have made in your Proposal by clicking the delete icon next to the change.
You can also discard your entire Proposal if you need by clicking the Discard icon .
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