Financial Obligation Report Profiles

Financial Obligation Report profiles allow you to specify which leases to use for the report based on a defined set of filters. You can only associate active leases to a report profile.

You must have at least one profile defined to generate a report.

The Financial Obligation Profiles page displays all of the profiles that you have created.

To create a profile:

  1. In the application menu, click Main > Financial Obligation Management > Profiles.
  2. Click .
  3. Enter a Name for the profile.
  4. Click Filter by Leases to select one or more leases for the profile instead of using filters. This option can be changed later in the profile, if needed.
  5. Optionally enter a Description, and add any additional notes.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The Profile page loads with General Information, Filters, and Active Leases Preview sections. The Active Leases table lists all the leases that will be included in the profile. You can now filter your leases, or if Filter by Lease is enabled, select specific leases.
  8. To refresh the list of active leases to match the newly selected filters, click Preview.
  9. Click Save.

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