Initial Data
The initial data import allows users to create and maintain application entities within Nakisa Real Estate, such as locations, premises, and leases.
Users can choose to have their entities automatically activated by setting the "Status" column in the Excel to "Active". Note that when updating a pre-existing object, you cannot update the status through the initial data import.
Note: When importing a lease when the accounting setting is set to "On", users must first create an active master agreement, contract, lease component, and activation group in Nakisa Lease Administration. Use the generated object IDs in the initial data template in the NfsLink sheet, and they will be linked to the created lease. Refer to the Nakisa Lease Administration User Guide for more information on creating and activating Nakisa Lease Administration objects.
The ID can be found at the top of the screen in Nakisa Lease Administration:
To import initial data:
- Download the initial data template.
- Fill out the downloaded Excel file with your information. Red fields are mandatory. If there are objects such as "LocationArea" or "CriticalClause" that you do not want added in the import, you can delete the Excel sheets.
- Upload the Excel file and begin the import process.
Note: Entering a non-valid ID will result in an error code stating that the external ID does not exist.
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