Adding and Modifying Charts
Hanelly Insights comes with predefined dashboards, but you can add charts to custom dasboards at any time.
To add or edit a chart:
- On the required custom dashboard, click in the dashboard toolbar to create a new chart or click in the chart options to edit an existing custom chart.
- At the top of the page, click Type to select the chart type.
- In the Title tab, set the following information for the title and sub-title:
- Select the font size in the Size drop-down.
- Enter the name of the chart in the Text field.
- Select the text alignment.
- In the Theme tab, you can select the default theme for the cart.
- In the Advanced tab (if available), you can set a sub-set of the following options (based on the selected chart type):
- Select the checkboxes Horizontal Zoom and/or Vertical Zoom to add zoom bars along the axes.
- In the Orientation Settings, you can set the appropriate Type based on the chart type:
- Interchange the x and y-axes by selecting a horizontal or vertical orientation.
- Set whether the chart is an angular or radial chart.
- Set the Circular Layout Settings:
- Min Radius defines the inner radius of the circular chart.
- Max Radius defines the outer radius of the circular chart.
- Radius Gap defines the space in between each ring of the chart.
- In the Color Settings:
- Click to set the Color of the Operation value or Text Color for the Description text.
- Select the Enable Default Color checkbox to specify color ranges. These colors are used if they are applied to an operation in the Operations section.
- Enter the numerical range, making sure to include two decimal spaces.
- Click and select the color for the specified range, and click OK.
- Click to add the color range. A row for the color definition appears below.
- Repeat as many times as required, and then click Save.
- If the first drop-down field in the left-panel, select the Dataset used for this chart.
- In the Axis, Second Axis, Time Axis, and/or Value Axis sections:
- The Name field is auto-populated based on the technical name for Field that you select. Enter a different name for the operation or axis, but note that it must be unique in the chart.
- Select the Field for all of the axes.
- Depending on the selected field, Selection values will vary:
- Values: Show all values, and set the Sort order.
- Interval: The values should jump by the amount specified in the Interval field.
- Range: Only display values within the specified Range fields.
Note: Certain chart types allow you to add additional axes. If you require more than one axis, click Multiple Axes and click Add Axis as many times as required.
- The Stacks section allows you to define a second axis where the data can be displayed either stacked or unstacked by selecting the Stack Chart checkbox.
- In the Content section for Info Cards, enter the text you want to display. To include fields defined in the Operations section below, add the field name enclosed in double-square brackets (e.g., Women on average earn $[[salary]] with an average perfomance [[performance]]).
- In the Operation section:
- The Name field is auto-populated based on the technical name for Field that you select. Enter a different name for the operation or axis, but note that it must be unique in the chart.
- Select the Field.
- Select the Operation to perform on the data, which will allow you to apply certain groupings to the chart.
- If you have defined a default color in the Advanced tab for an Info Card or Metric Chart, you can select Apply Default Color to automatically set the color of the operation based on the value.
Note: Certain chart types allow you to add additional operations. If you require more than one operation, click Add Operation as many times as required.
- Certain chart types allow you to add additional filters in the Filters section.
- Click Add Filters and select the required Field.
- Depending on the selected field, Selection values will vary:
- Values: Enter the required values in the Values field. Note that the Values field is case-sensitive.
- Range: Only display values within the specified Range fields.
- Click to exclude data matching the value or range from the chart, or click to include only the data matching the value or range in the chart. You can include/exclude multiple values and ranges.
Note: If you require more than one filter, click Add Filters as many times as required.
- Once complete, click to save the chart and return to the dashboard.
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