Viewing Workflows

Use the Workflow page to view all active and inactive workflows in the application. The workflows are listed in the table on the Workflows summary page. Clicking on a table entry opens the workflow in read-only mode.

To view workflows:

  1. Click Application Menu > Administration > Workflows.
  2. The workflow table opens with the list of all workflows in the application. The following options are available from the workflow table:
    • To modify the workflow Name or Description, click Context Menu > Edit and enter the required information.
    • Delete a single workflow by clicking Context Menu > Delete . Note that you cannot delete workflows that are currently in use.
    • You can also perform additional actions in the table, for more information refer to Configuration Table Options.
  3. Click on the required row to open the workflow diagram. The workflow is displayed in read-only mode (but can be later modified).
  4. Hover over the workflow items to view the related transition labels.
    • Select the checkbox Display Details to display additional workflow details when you hover over the workflow.
  5. To export the workflow to an XML file, click Export XML. You can use this file to create a copy of the workflow.

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