Editing Workflows

Workflow designer enables you to customize the workflow layout and create and edit workflow steps and transitions. The workflow steps describe the state of the submission, while transitions provide one-way links to move from one step to another. Workflow steps are mapped to statuses, and therefore transitioning to a new step can also update the status of the submission. A full approval workflow that transitions the submission from Draft to Approved status must be established before you can begin operating under the submission and registering expenses.

You must also configure the workflow to determine the users who have access to transition or approve each step in the workflow. This can be set through either workflow steps or transitions. If these approvals are not configured, users cannot transition the workflow. Note that configuration from the transition takes priority over the what was set in the step.

Warning: Any changes to the workflow are automatically saved. Create a backup copy of the workflow before making extensive changes.

Editing Active Workflows

You can only modify inactive workflows. In order to modify an active workflow you must first deactivate it and make the necessary changes, before activating it again. For more information refer to Activating Workflows

It is not recommended to modify or replace a workflow when a submission is in the process of transitioning through the approval life-cycle. This could result in the submission becoming stuck in an invalid step when the updated workflow is activated.

See the following topics for more information:

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