Cross Company Code Configuration
The Cross Company Code Configuration section of the master data configuration contains the following configuration tables, that are valid for all company codes in the selected system. Note that some tables must be maintained manually, whereas certain tables are synced with the SAP system.
Note: If the system is operating in standalone mode, all mandatory tables have to be maintained manually.
Table | Description | SAP Sync | Auto-Attached | Standalone |
Currency |
All Currency codes that are available for the company code. It is matched to the Internal Currency based on the ISO codes. |
Yes |
Yes |
Mandatory |
Language |
All Languages that are available for the company code. It is matched to the Internal Language based on the ISO codes. |
Yes |
Yes |
Mandatory |
Flow Code | Allows you to add flow codes. This table is reserved for future use. | No | No | Optional |
FY Period |
Fiscal Year variants. This table is not currently used, and is reserved for future use. |
Yes |
FY Period Date |
Fiscal Year period dates. |
Yes |
External URL |
The table contains the links from the application to the SAP WEBGUI.
This table can also be used to set up links to external reports (such as SAP ERP reports or BI reports). By default, there are links to a set of SAP reports for one system. Contact your Nakisa implementation partner to add more links or for more information. Note: If you change the ConnectionConfig (i.e., connection string of the system), you must also update the server information for the SAP WEBGUI links in this table. |
No |
No |
Optional |
Accounting Standard |
Accounting standards associated to the system. Note: Additional configuration (for Depreciation Area and Account Standard Type) is required after the initial syncing. Warning: Although the Type "GASB" is available for all systems, it should only currently be used for standalone systems. |
Yes |
Yes |
Mandatory |
Classification |
Classification types for each Accounting Standard need to be created and attached. The Posting Start Date can be defined per classification. Any postings triggered from the application with Document Dates that are earlier than the Posting Start Date will be only be written to internal tables. If it is not defined per classification, then it can be defined per accounting standard, or per company code in the Company table. Note: The Posting Start Date set for a classification type applies across accounting standards (i.e., a different date cannot be set per accounting standard/classification combination). |
No |
No |
Mandatory |
Asset Transaction Type |
Transaction Types (for previous year and current year) for Asset Accounting need to be entered and attached when connected to SAP. The application compares the Posting Date against the system date to determine which Transaction Type to use. These fields can be configured for reporting purposes when the system is operating in hybrid mode. Note: For Cash Incentive terms, the fields "Lease Term Incentive" and "Lease Term Incentive Prior" are used when the term is added at inception or after the contract is activated. |
No |
No |
Optional |
Exchange Rate |
In connected systems, this table records the exchange rates that are synced based on the configuration in the Exchange Rate Type table, and the historical exchange rates that have been used. Note: If tables are synced separately, the Exchange Rate Type table must be synced before this Exchange Rate table. When the system is in standalone mode, this table defines the exchange rates used to convert currencies. The "Rate Type" for these entries must match the Exchange Rate Type ID configured in the Exchange Rate Type table. This table also contains the month-end exchange rates, used for Disclosure Reports. The different Rate Types are identified by the Exchange Rate Type. If there is an AltExchangeRateType configured and parallel currency is enabled, the application will look up the equivalent ID in the Alt. Exchange Rate Type Ref. Currency table to determine if this alternative rate has a reference currency. Refer to the diagrams below for information about how the application uses the different exchange rate configuration tables when parallel currencies is enabled. |
Yes |
Yes |
Optional |
Trading Partner |
A legally independent company belonging to the group. |
Yes |
Yes |
Optional |
Alt. Exchange Rate Type Ref. Currency |
To configure the mapping of alternative exchange rate types to reference currencies, for both standalone systems and for Disclosure Reports. If the field "AltExchangeRateType" is populated in the Exchange Rate table and parallel currency is enabled in Module Management, the application will look up the type in Alt. Exchange Rate Type Ref. Currency table to determine if this alternative rate has a reference currency. Refer to Module Management for information about how the application uses the different exchange rate configuration tables when parallel currencies is enabled. This table only needs to be manually configured if both alternative exchange rate types and reference curries are used at the same time, and the application is not connected to SAP, and parallel currency is enabled. For Disclosure Reports, this table will be automatically synced and attached. |
Yes |
Yes |
Optional |
System Posting Control |
Configure open and closed periods in the application. Only documents with Posting Dates in open periods can be posted from the application. The application verifies if the period is configured in the Company-specific Posting Control table. If it exists, it takes precedence over the configuration for the period in the System Posting Control table (unless the Posting Control configuration is set to "INHERITED"). |
No |
No |
Optional |
Country |
These tables are only used if the Enable Global Asset Tracker switch is enabled on the General Settings page. In a fully connected system, these tables are synced with SAP. For the Location table, the application only syncs locations for assets in the Asset table that do not have a Cancelled or Replaced status. In disconnected and hybrid systems, these tables must be maintained manually to use the Global Asset Tracker feature. Refer to Global Asset Tracker for information about the feature and the required configuration. |
Yes |
Yes |
Optional |
Region |
Yes |
Yes |
Optional |
Location |
Yes |
Yes |
Optional |
To view or configure Currency:
- Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Currency.
- Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
- For standalone systems:
- To add a new currency, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing currency from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing currency to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
To view or configure Language:
- Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Language.
- Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
- For standalone systems:
- To add a new language, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing language from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing language to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
To view or configure flow codes:
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Flow Code.
- To add a new flow code, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing flow code, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing flow code, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
- To edit an existing flow code, click for the required row. Make the required changes and click Submit.
- To delete a flow code, select the required row and click Menu > Delete.
To configure the External URL:
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > External URL.
- To detach an existing URL from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing URL to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
- To add a new URL, click Menu > Add.
- To edit an existing URL, click for the required row.
- Enter or modify the required information.
- Click Submit.
To complete or configure the Accounting Standards:
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Accounting Standard.
- If the table was synced with SAP, click for the first accounting standard:
- Select the Depreciation Area and Type.
- Click Submit.
- Repeat for the remaining accounting standards.
- For standalone systems:
- To add a new accounting standard, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing accounting standard from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing accounting standard to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
To configure the Classification Types:
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Accounting Standard.
- Click on the row for the required accounting standard.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Accounting Standard > Classification.
- To detach an existing classification from the selected accounting standard, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing classification to the accounting standard, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
- For standalone systems, new classification types can be added by clicking Menu > Add.
To configure the Transaction Types:
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Accounting Standard.
- Click on the row for the required accounting standard.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Accounting Standard > Transaction Type.
- To detach an existing transaction type from the selected accounting standard, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing transaction type to the accounting standard, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
- For standalone systems, new classification types can be added by clicking Menu > Add.
To view or configure Exchange Rates:
- Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Exchange Rate.
- Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
- Note the following:
- If FromFactor is not set to 1, the exchange rate is divided by FromFactor.
- If ToFactor is not set to 1, the exchange rate is multiplied by ToFactor.
- If the RateType is “M” and AltExchangeRateType is populated with a currency, the application will read the alternative exchange rate from SAP. If the application is not connected to SAP and the RateType is “M” in the Exchange Rate table and the AltExchangeRateType is populated (e.g., EUROX), then the application will look up the alternative rate in the Exchange Rate table (e.g., with RateType EUROX).
- For standalone systems:
- To add a new exchange rate, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing exchange rate from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing exchange rate to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
The following diagrams explain the logic used to look up exchange rates when the application is posting to SAP or when it is operating in hybrid mode (and posting internally):
- Parallel currency enabled:
- Parallel currency disabled:
The following diagrams explain the logic used to look up exchange rates when the system is operating in standalone mode:
- Parallel currency enabled:
- Parallel currency disabled:
To view or configure Trading Partners:
- Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Trading Partner.
- Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
- For standalone systems:
- To add a new trading partner, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing trading partner from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing trading partner to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
To view or configure the mapping between alternative exchange rate types and reference currencies:
- Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Alt. Exchange Rate Type Ref. Currency.
- For standalone systems only:
- To add a new mapping, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing mapping from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing mapping to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
To configure closed periods at the system level:
- Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > System Posting Control.
- To add a new closed period, click Menu > Add. Enter the following information:
- Month: Select the month of the year.
- Year: Enter the valid year. Leave it empty to have the configuration apply to this month of every year.
- Closed: Select the checkbox to close the period, or leave it unchecked to indicate that it is an open period.
- To detach a period from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing period to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
To view or configure the tables required for the Global Asset Tracker feature:
- Click Application Menu > Master Data Configuration.
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system.
- Navigate to the following tables:
- System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Country
- System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Country > Region
- System Configs > System > Cross Company Code Configuration > Location
- Note that any changes to this table will be overridden the next time the system configuration is synced with SAP.
- For standalone systems:
- To add a new country, region, or location, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing country, region, or location from the system, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing country, region, or location to the system, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024
Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. |