Migration Jobs

When the system configuration needs to change from fully connected with SAP (for both master data sync and postings) to a hybrid system (where the documents are generated internally), the Migration Jobs module allows administrators to easily configure jobs to migrate existing contracts. For more information about the different connection types, see System Configuration. Note that you cannot migrate hybrid systems or companies to fully connected systems or companies.

You must specify the Effective Date for the job, which is the date at which the migration occurs. The job can migrate activation groups that are in "Active" state, but skips them in the following conditions:

  • All of the asset depreciation has not been posted up to and including the selected Effective Date.
  • There is a depreciation posting or event already performed after the selected Effective Date.
  • There is a draft open for the activation group or contract.
  • The financial schedule does not have a period matching the selected Effective Date.
  • The activation group is under a frozen company code.
  • The lease is a short term, low value, or service contract. In this case, the migration is skipped because there is no asset in SAP.
  • The Posting Start Date in the Company table is after the selected Effective Date (i.e., the application is already posting internally).

    Note: If there is a Posting Start Date after the Effective Date configured for a specific accounting standard in the Company table, the migration job will migrate the activation group but will not generate migration documents for that accounting standard.

Note that if an activation group has been transferred from one company (e.g., company A) to another (e.g., company B) and you are running the migration job per company, then the activation group will be migrated only if you migrate company B.

Note: Once a system or company has migrated to a hybrid system, users will no longer be able to reverse previously posted documents directly from the application. In addition to this, if the system administrator enables depreciation posting for finance leases from the application, it only applies to the periods after the migration.

To migrate contracts in a system or company that was posting to SAP to a hybrid system:

  1. Create a baseline copy of all Asset Accounting Determination data for all systems and companies in the application. You can use this data for reporting purposes to track the subsequent changes made to GL accounts.

    Navigate to Application Menu > Migration Jobs and click Create Baseline. This copies the current Asset Accounting Determination data in the table Asset Accounting Determination (Baseline). Note that only one baseline can ever be created, and the baseline data cannot be modified or deleted.

  2. Define non-reconciliation accounts for GBV, AD, and Impairment Loss/Gain for all the assets in SAP FI-GL. Refer to the SAP Prerequisites Guide for more information. Sync the GL accounts to bring them into the application. Note that the GL accounts must be unlocked in SAP, otherwise the migration will fail.
  3. Configure the system and/or company master data configuration to set it hybrid.
  4. Use the Migration Jobs to perform the following tasks:
    • Retire the ROU assets in SAP (to derecognize the GBV and AD values) with the following postings:


      DEBIT AD

      DEBIT P/L (loss retirement)

    • Onboard the carrying values of the asset to GL accounts configured in the Asset Accounting Determination table (to recognize the GBV and AD values). Note that the application generates a Migration document with the following line items: 



      CREDIT P/L (loss retirement)

    • Manual reconciliation in SAP of the gain and loss accounts in which postings were made during derecognition of GBV and AD in SAP FI-AA and recognition of GBV and AD in SAP FI-GL.
  5. If there are activation groups that were skipped because of unposted depreciation or open drafts:
    1. You must change the connection configuration back to "SAP" to post depreciation to SAP or merge the drafts.

      Warning: Do not post any transactions in activation groups that have already been migrated during this period.

    2. Change the configuration back to a hybrid connection, and run the migration job again to pick up the remaining activation groups.
  6. Once the job is run, you can export an Excel file that lists the successful and failed migration results. If a migration failed (e.g., the GL account was locked), rerun the job once the corrections have been made.

The Migration Jobs can also be scheduled, for more information refer to Schedule Migration Jobs

To create and run a migration job:

  1. Click Application Menu > Scheduled Migration Jobs.
  2. Ensure that you have already created a baseline (by clicking Create Baseline) before changing GL accounts. This is for reporting purposes, and no migration job can be run before creating the baseline.
  3. Click Create New. A Migration Job tab opens.
  4. Enter the Migration Job Name.
  1. The Posting Types is automatically set to "Post Migration".
  2. Click Contract Criteria and select one of the following options in the drop down menu:
    • To enter a set of filter criteria for the job, select "Default".
    • To enter specific IDs (up to a maximum of 1000 IDs), select either Bulk Master Agreements, Contracts, or Activation Groups.
  3. Set the required contract criteria filter items. After setting each field, click . You can select more than one option per field.
  4. Click Posting Parameters and:
    1. Set the Effective Date to the date the assets will be derecognized in SAP FI-AA and recognized in SAP FI-GL. This date is used to calculate amounts in the generated Asset Retirement and Migration documents.
    2. Select one of the following options to define which dates should be used in the generated posting documents:
      • Select the Use Effective Date checkbox to use the selected Effective Date as the Posting Date, Document Date, and Translation Date.
      • Otherwise, set specific dates in Posting Date, Translation Date, and Document Date.

      Note: If these inputs are left blank, the current system date is used.

  5. Click Create & Schedule. The job is created appears in the Migration Jobs List.
  1. Click at the top of the page to run the job.

To edit an existing job:

  1. Click Application Menu > Scheduled Migration Jobs, and select the required job.
  2. Modify the filters and settings as needed.
  3. Click to save the settings or click to reset to the previous saved version.

To view run jobs history:

  1. Click Application Menu > Scheduled Migration Jobs.
  2. In the Migration Jobs List, select the chosen job.
  3. In the left panel, click History. The previously run job's history is displayed.

To export the migration job result to Excel:

  1. Click to export the migration job result into a file.
  2. When the download is complete, an alert appears in the Notification Center . Click the alert to open the file.
  3. If required, use Save As to re-save the file as an Excel file. 

To copy an existing job:

  1. Click Application Menu > Scheduled Migration Jobs.
  2. In the Migration Jobs List, select the chosen job.
  3. Click to copy the job. A new Migration Job tab opens with the same filter settings as the copied job.

Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024



Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.