OAuth2 SuccessFactors Writeback Data Connection

Use this section to enter authentication connection information for SuccessFactors writeback using OAuth 2 authentication.

Note: Before you can set up the OAuth data connection for SuccessFactors wirteback, the OAuth - SuccessFactors data Connection must be established.

To configure Data imports:

  1. Switch the Authenticate using OAuth 2.0 toggle to on .

    Note: If you are not using OAuth2 for authentication, you can configure the writeback setting in the SuccessFactors Writeback Data Connection section.

  2. Enter the base source URL.
  3. Enter the Client ID.
  4. Enter the User ID.
  5. Enter the Token URL.
  6. Enter the Company ID.
  7. Click Test Connection to confirm that your connection string and credentials combination are valid.
  8. When the connection has been validated, click Save.

Nakisa HR Suite 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023



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