Depreciation Area Currency
The following Depreciation Area Currency configuration is automatically updated when the system is synced with SAP, and automatically attached to the company code. Additional configuration (for the Depreciation Area Transfer Values and Posting Sequence) is required after the table has been synced.
This table is required if parallel currency is enabled for the system.
When the application is connected to an S/4HANA ERP, the application will convert the asset capitalization amounts to group currencies (instead of having SAP do the calculations).
Note: If the system is operating in standalone mode, this table is optional.
To add or modify depreciation area currencies:
- Navigate to System Configs > System.
- Click on the row for the required system. The system name is now displayed next to "System" in the configuration tree.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Company.
- Click on the row for the required company. The company name is now displayed next to "Company" in the configuration tree.
- Navigate to System Configs > System > Company > Depreciation Area Currency.
- Click for each row.
- If there are multiple Depreciation Areas configured in SAP for the selected company code, configure the order of depreciation areas the application will post to.
Note: Do not leave the value 0. Assign the posting sequence, starting at 1.
- To match the configuration in SAP, select the checkbox for Depreciation Area Transfer Values if required.
Warning: If you select the field (i.e., set it to "true"), the application WILL NOT post to the depreciation area.
- Click Submit.
- If there are multiple Depreciation Areas configured in SAP for the selected company code, configure the order of depreciation areas the application will post to.
- For standalone systems:
- To add a new depreciation area currency, click Menu > Add. Enter the required information and click Submit.
- To detach an existing depreciation area currency from the company, select the required row and click Menu > Detach.
- To attach an existing depreciation area currency to the company, click the Available tab, select the required row, and click Menu > Attach.
Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP1 © 2023
Nakisa Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. |