Creating Submissions

The first step in Capital Investment Budget is for users to create a budget submission. The Year of the submission determines what expenses can be registered towards a budget based on the posted year of the expense. Only expenses with a Posted Date year that is on or after the submission starting Year can be registered.

For example, Submission A has a Year of 2020 and Submission B has a Year of 2023. If a lease is activated in Nakisa Lease Administration with a Posted Date year of 2022, the amount is registered under Submission A. However, if a casualty is later performed on the lease in 2023, the amount is registered under Submission B.

Note that if a Year Distribution is defined, only expenses with a posted year that falls within the year distribution range are registered.

To create a budget submissions:

  1. Click Main Menu > Submissions.
  2. Click at the top left of the submission page.
  3. Enter the Project name for the submission.
  4. Enter the starting Year of the submission. This determines which expenses are registered towards a budget based on posted year of the expense. If you need to create a submission in a year that is not available in the list, contact your system administrator.
  5. Select the Lease Area, which represents a regional area or different legal responsibilities. Note that a lease area is assigned to one or many company codes.
  6. Select the required Business Unit, which is filtered down based on the selected lease area.
  7. Set the Company, which is the legal entity used for accounting purposes. The available companies are filtered down based on the selected lease area and business unit.
  8. Optionally, select the Lease Department. Note that the value set in this field has no impact on the budgets that are assigned in Nakisa Lease Administration
  9. Click Add. The submission is created.

See also:  

Capital Investment Budget 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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