
In the Investment tab, you must enter the budget amounts per investment type. Optionally, you can enter a Year Distribution for an investment type to distribute the budget amount over specific years. In this case, the application only registers expenses that fall within the defined range for the investment type. If an expense has a posting year that falls outside of the year distribution range, it cannot be registered under the budget submission.

If a Year Distribution is not defined, any valid expense with a Posted Date year that is on or after the submission Year can be registered.

Budget amounts are entered in a source currency that is then converted to the submission's company currency. The application uses the year of the submission amount to determine which exchange rate to use. Amounts in a current or past year use the spot rate, while future amounts use the future rate if one is configured. For future amounts, the application first checks for a rate at the beginning of the year of the submission amount, then the closest rate in previous years, and finally uses the spot rate for the current year. If amounts are year distributed, the application converts each distributed amount using the rate from the related year.

Note that you can only modify these budget amounts at inception or through a modification.

Expenses can also be manually added on the Investment tab after the submission is approved. For more information, refer to About Expenses.

To define investment amounts:

  1. Click Main Menu > Submissions.
  2. Open the required submission. The submission loads with the Investment tab open.
  3. You must enter a budget amount for the required investment types. This amount is entered in a source currency that is then converted to the submissions company currency. You can also choose to enter a Year Distribution to distribute the budget amount for the investment type over specific years.
    • To enter a total budget amount for an investment type:
      1. Click in the Total Amount column for the required investment type. An Amount pop-up appears.
      2. The Source Currency is automatically set to the company currency, but can be changed if needed. Note that if you select a currency that does not have an exchange rate configured, you cannot enter a budget amount.
      3. Enter the source Amount in the selected currency.
      4. The amount is automatically converted to company currency and displayed in the Company Currency Amount field, along with the exchange rate that was used.
      5. Click Submit. The company currency amount is displayed in the Total Amount column.

        Note: An info icon may appear to display the source currency amount and exchange rate that was last entered and used. This icon only appears when the source currency is different from the company currency and amounts are not year distributed.

    • To enter a Year Distribution, follow the steps below. When amounts are distributed, the application only registers expenses that fall within the investment type amount defined for each year. If an expense has a posted year that falls outside of the year distribution range, it is blocked and cannot be registered under that budget submission.
      1. Click in the Year Distribution column to open the Year Distribution pop-up. The Previous Total fields at the top of the pop-up can be used as a reference and display the last total budget amount that was entered.
      2. Modify the Source Currency, if required. This field is automatically set to the source currency that was last entered for the investment type (or the company currency if none was set). Note that if you select a currency that does not have an exchange rate configured, you cannot enter a budget amount.
      3. Distribute the budget amount in the selected source currency over the required number of years.
      4. The amounts are automatically converted to company currency and displayed in the Company Currency Amount field, along with the exchange rate that was used.
      5. Click Submit. The distributed company currency amounts are summed and displayed in the Total Amount column of the submission.

Capital Investment Budget 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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