Financial Dashboard Reports
The Financial Dashboards display different balance and summation reports, each of which is available separately for contract, company and group currencies. The dashboards are only available on cloud with the Financial Analysis Reporting Module license.
Values are translated from contract currency to company currency or to group currency using the exchange rates that are periodically updated. Note that the translation method is different than the one for Disclosure Reports. The financial analysis reporting tool is for financial planning and forecasting analysis, whereas the Disclosure Reports are translated per IAS 21 and ASC 830 guidelines (and for this reason, the dashboard and the Disclosure Reports will not match).
Note: Users can only see reports for master agreements and contract objects to which they have access, based on their assigned authorization profile.
The following reports are available by default (for each currency type):
- Balance Reports by Year / Quarter / Month: These reports display the closing balances as at the end date selected in the Month-Year filter, by year, quarter, or month. The rate is selected based on the validity period that corresponds with the end date selected.
- Lease Liability Balance by Asset Class
- Lease Liability Balance per year / quarter / month
- ROU Asset Balance per Company Code (IFRS Finance)
- ROU Asset Balance per Company Code (USGAAP Finance)
- ROU Asset Balance per Company Code (USGAAP Operating)
- ROU Asset Balance per Asset Class (IFRS Finance)
- ROU Asset Balance per Asset Class (USGAAP Finance)
- ROU Asset Balance per Asset Class (USGAAP Operating)
- Summation Reports: These reports display the sum of the values (i.e., the movement) within the date range selected. The values are translated from contract to company or group currency per period (month). The values are summed by month and the rate is selected based on the validity period that corresponds at each month-end within the date range selected.
- Interest Accrual and Depreciation Expense by ROU Asset Class
- Interest Paid by ROU Asset Class
- Interest Accrual & Depreciation Expense by Company Code per Quarter
- Interest Paid by Company Code per Quarter
- Interest Accrual & Depreciation Expense by Company Code per Year
- Interest Paid by Company Code per Year
- Lease Payment by Posting Status per Company Code
- Non-Lease Payment by Posting Status per Company Code
- Interest Accrual by Posting Status per Company Code
- Depreciation by Posting Status per Company Code
- Lease Payment by Vendor per Company Code
- Interest Accrual & Depreciation Expense by Company Code per Month
- Interest Paid by Company Code per Month
The date a the top-right of the screen indicates the last time report data was synced. To update the data, contact Nakisa Support. Note that Nakisa will only sync your data up to 10 times a month.
Note: The Financial Dashboards are only available with the Financial Analysis Reporting Module license.
To view the Financial Dashboards:
- Click Main Menu > Financial Dashboards.
- Under "Contract Currency Reports", "Company Currency Reports", or "Group Currency Reports", select one of the following reports:
- Balance Reports/Year
- Balance Reports/Quarter
- Balance Reports/Month
- Summation Reports
- Use the filters in the left-panel to narrow down the data displayed in the dashboard. Note the following:
- You can click both Select Date buttons to set a date range.
- If the amount of object IDs in a filter reaches the display limit, a + button appears allowing you to search and add additional IDs.
- Click to view the graphed data in a table, and click to return to the graph view.
- In table view, click to export data to an Excel file.
- If available, click to select a different operation for the Y-axis.
- Click to maximize or minimize the chart.
- Click to close a chart.
- To select which charts are displayed, click and select the required chart. You can drag and drop the grids to the desired locations on the page.
- To drill down in the graphs, use the filters in the left-panel or click on a bubble, bar, or pie slice. The applied filters are displayed at the top of the page.
- To return to the original view, clear the checkboxes in the left-panel, delete specific filters at the top of the page (or click Reset), or click on the same bubble, bar, or pie slice to remove that one filter.
- To see all of the objects that match the current view, click to perform a quick search. A new tab opens with all of the objects that match the current view of the graphs.
To share your report:
- Configure your report to your specifications.
- Click Share .
- Copy the link in the Share Link dialog and click Close.
- Share the link with the appropriate users as needed. Note that when users view the report, they will only be able to see the contracts to which they have access (based on their authorization profile).
To save your report configuration as a Favorite
- Configure your Dashboard, charts, and filters to your specifications.
- Click Add to Favorites .
- Enter a name for your Dashboard layout and click Save.
- To access this layout again, click the Main menu and select Favorites . Open the menu under Dashboards and select the layout you saved.
To view the same report in a different currency type:
- Click Switch Currency .
- In the drop-down, select the currency type (e.g., contract, company, or group currency). The dashboard updates to reflect your selection.
To add a new custom-report:
If the default reports provided do not provide you with the metrics you need, you can add a custom report of your own.
- Click Add Custom Chart .
- Select the type of chart you need from the Chart Types list.
- Enter a Title for your chart.
- Select the Fields that will appear on the X-axis of the chart.
- Select the Balance Report Operations or Summation Operations to include in the report.
- Optionally, you can select a Tag or add a Description.
- Click Add.
To change the number of columns on your dashboard:
- Click the drop-down arrow next to the Number of Columns icon .
- Select the number of columns you want to display. The dashboard updates to reflect your selection.
To save your current Dashboard layout:
- Configure your Dashboard and its charts to your specifications.
- Click Save .
See also:
Nakisa Lease Administration 2022.R2-SP © 2024
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