Workflow Transitions

Transitions are links that allow you move from one workflow step to another. Note that transitions are a one way link, and so if a submission needs to move back and forth between steps, two transitions must be created.

A series of additional options are available for transitions:

  • Validator: Checks that certain criteria is met before the transition can be executed and displays an error message.
  • Condition: Determines if a transition is visible and can be performed by the user.
  • Post Function: Performs an action when the transition is executed.
  • Additional Data: Works in conjunction with a condition to determine the future workflow path of a submission based on a previous transition. For more information, refer to Additional Data.

You must also determine the user who can transition to each workflow step. This can either be set through conditions or by configuring the step. Note that configuration from the transition takes priority over what was set in the step.

To configure workflow transitions:

  1. Click Application Menu > Administration > Workflows and open the required workflow.
  2. Click Edit in the top right of the page.
  3. To add a transition, click Add Transition.
    1. Select which steps to transition in the From Step and To Step drop-down.
    2. Enter a transition Name and optional Description.
    3. Click Add.

    Note: You can edit the transition name or description by clicking Edit in the right panel.

  4. To add a validator, select the required transition and click Validators in the right panel. Select one of the following conditions in the Available Validators drop-down:
    • Field Required Validator: Validates that the specified field is not left empty during the transition. Note that for the Year Distribution field validation, the field is only required for an investment type if a total amount is first entered on the Investment tab.
      1. Select the Field Name that is required for the transition.
      2. Optionally, you can enter a custom Error Message. If one is not set a default message will be displayed.

      Note: For the Year Distribution field validation, the field is only required for an investment type if a total amount is first entered on the Investment tab.

    • Field Value Required Validator: Validates that the specified field has a specific value during the transition.
      1. Set the required Field Name.
      2. In Review Options, select the drop-down value that is required.
      3. Optionally, you can enter a custom Error Message. If one is not set a default message will be displayed.
  5. To add additional data, select the required transition and click Additional Data in the right panel. Enter one or more Codes and optional Description. This code is associated to the submission when the transition is performed and can be selected in the "Additional Data Allowed" condition.
  6. To add a condition, select the required transition and click Conditions in the right panel. Select one of the following conditions in the Available Conditions drop-down:

    • Creator Allowed: Allows the creator of the submission to perform the transition
    • Role Allowed: Determines the roles allowed to execute the transition. Select the required roles in the drop-down.
    • Submission Amount Allowed (Company): Allows the transition to be executed based on the total budget amount requested for the submission in company currency.
      • Select a Comparative Operator (e.g., >=, <) and enter a Submission Amount in company currency. For example, entering <20000 indicates the transition can only be executed if the requested amount is less than 20,000.
    • Submission Amount Allowed (Reporting): Allows the transition to be executed based on the total budget amount requested for the submission in reporting currency. The total requested amount is converted from company to reporting currency and compared against the defined reporting currency amount.
      1.  Select the Rate Type that will be used to convert amounts. Note that if "Inception Exchange Rate" or "Weighted Average Rate" is selected and that rate does not exist, Today's Rate will be used.
      2. Select a Comparative Operator (e.g., >=, <) and enter the Submission Amount in reporting currency. For example, entering <20000 indicates the transition can only be executed if the requested amount is less than 20,000.
    • Additional Data Allowed: Determines if the transition can be performed based on whether the submission has previously executed a transition that assigned an additional data code. Any codes configured in additional data appear under the drop-down. Select the required codes.
  7. To add a post function, select the required transition and click Post Function in the right panel. Select one of the following post functions in the Available Post Function drop-down:
    • Add Participant: Adds users to participant list after the submission is transitioned.
      1. Select the Edit checkbox in the pop-up.
      2. Select the Participant name and click . Repeat this step to add additional participants as needed.
      3. Optionally, select the checkbox Send Add Participant Notification to send a notification to inform the user that they have been added as a participant when the submission is transitioned.
      4. To remove a participant, click by the participant name.
    • Send Notification: Sends a notification to the submission participants when the submission is transitioned. This post function is set by default for each transition, but can be removed if required.
    • Update Submission Exchange Rate: Sets and updates the "Inception Exchange Rate" (used to convert amounts from company to reporting currency) using the spot rate valid on the date the submission is transitioned.

      Note: If this is not defined, both the "Inception Exchange Rate" and "Weighted Average Rate" fields will remain blank.

  8. To delete additional data, conditions, or post functions, select the transition and click the required option in the right panel, then click in the pop-up.
  9. To delete a transition, select the required transition and click Delete Transition in the right panel.

Capital Investment Budget 2022.R2-SP © 2024



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