Viewing and Editing Submissions
Once the submission is created, you must set up the submission by entering additional information on the Submission Details page. The following options are available on the page:
- The context menu contains a series of additional options depending on the submission status, such as creating a modification or deleting the submission. At any point, a summary of the submission can also be generated that displays amounts in the currency and exchange rate set in the Exchange Rate drop-down.
- To export the summary to Excel click Context Menu > Export Summary.
- To view a one page summary in a new browser tab, click Context Menu > Summary. Note that the Submission Movement tab and year distribution amounts are not included in this summary.
- Displays the workflow step and allows you to transition the submission workflow
- The Exchange Rate drop-down allows you to view the submission in different currencies and/or rates.
- Allows you to specify the users who receive notifications about the submission.
- The Submission Cards contain a set of informational fields for the submission
- The Investments tab contains key fields with budget investment amounts.
- The Expenses & Submission Movement tabs contain information on the registered expenses once the submission is approved.
- The Notes tab allows you to add notes to the submission.
- The Activity Log tab displays a summarized view of changes made to the submission. A detailed audit log is available in the Administration section; contact your system administrator for more information.
- The Attachments tab allows you to attach files to the submission.
- The Workflow tab displays a diagram of the current submission workflow.
Capital Investment Budget 2022.R2-SP © 2024
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